Recent content by bobster26

  1. B

    Allow 12V trigger to be controlled by standby mode status instead of playback

    Can anyone else confirm this? Also, does the 12 trigger still turn off the amp after 2.5 minutes of inactivity? That was a dealbreaker for me.
  2. B

    Allow 12V trigger to be controlled by standby mode status instead of playback

    Yes, that's the current design - they recently increased the trigger off delay from 2.5 minutes to 5 minutes when there's no audio present. I made this feature request so that this won't happen - unless you've set the standby time to 2.5 minutes or 5 minutes. If you want a buffer for delaying...
  3. B

    Allow 12V trigger to be controlled by standby mode status instead of playback

    Exactly. What needs to be contemplated? Users have made it clear that this is what they want (in this and other threads), and you admit right here that it's more intuitive, predictable and "user-aligned."
  4. B

    Allow 12V trigger to be controlled by standby mode status instead of playback

    Yes, that was in my original post, and in post 26 @WiiM Support said "We are actively developing a new feature that includes a trigger based on the standby mode." We'll see. Hopefully this update is just the beginning. A fixed 5 minute shutoff is still too short for me. I returned my WiiM Pro...
  5. B

    WiiM Pro Optical Input Audio Drop Outs

    I had audio dropouts when using the optical input of the WiiM Pro Plus, connected to the optical output of a Panasonic plasma TV. I noticed the dropouts when the audio source was a live yoga class on Zoom streamed from my laptop to an Apple TV 4K connected to the TV via HDMI. They seemed to...
  6. B

    Allow 12V trigger to be controlled by standby mode status instead of playback

    I returned my WiiM Pro Plus. The return window was closing, and I didn't want to wait any longer to see if this feature might be added. There were other problems too: Even after disconnecting the trigger cable from the power amp, I continued to get audio drop outs in Zoom meetings. When the...
  7. B

    Roon HARMAN Acquires Roon

    "Nucleus" reminds me of this:
  8. B

    Allow 12V trigger to be controlled by standby mode status instead of playback

    Great to hear that you'll mention this to the engineering team - thank you! After five more days of use since my original post, I've concluded that the 2.5 minute shutoff makes the 12V trigger unusable for me. There have been too many times when it turned off the amp when I didn't want it to...
  9. B

    Allow 12V trigger to be controlled by standby mode status instead of playback

    I did that before starting this thread. Sorry - should have mentioned that. First post now edited.
  10. B

    Allow 12V trigger to be controlled by standby mode status instead of playback

    They should include an adapter cable or at least an adapter, since 2.5mm is not the standard size. Preferably a cable, as I've heard that barrel adapters are generally not very reliable.
  11. B

    Allow 12V trigger to be controlled by standby mode status instead of playback

    in another thread, support said they chose 2.5mm to prevent people from accidentally plugging in headphones and damaging them. i'm using this adapter cable (Amazon US):
  12. B

    12V trigger on WiiM Pro: why does it wait for music?

    I created a thread for this in the feature request forum. Please like and/or add your vote to a comment. (For people who want the trigger to be activated by playback mode, that could remain an option.)...
  13. B

    Allow users to schedule & customize 12V trigger behavior

    Agreed. Maybe this issue could be resolved if the trigger responded to Standby mode status instead of playback status. The former makes much more sense to me, and it's how my A/V preamp works. When I want to use it, I turn it on, and when I'm done, I turn it off. The power amp responds to that...
  14. B

    Global problem with 12V trigger not responding to sleep mode settings

    Agreed! Also, related: I edited my feature request post to add a standby mode on/off button to the app, like the physical one on the WiiM Voice Remote that comes with the Pro Plus.