Recent content by Bozzz

  1. B

    USB vs Coaxial vs Optical

    If you have Superman or a bats level of hearing go for USB. Normal human hearing? You won’t hear a difference. Go with what’s most convenient for you and enjoy the music.
  2. B

    SMSL SU-1 DAC with Ultra?

    Love mine
  3. B

    My experience with Wiim Ultra

    What does crisper sound mean?
  4. B

    Bass management

    Yep. I have my ultra hooked up to an external dac via coax. Subwoofer and bass management works great
  5. B

    Old system, new ultra

    Get a RSL sub they’re only sold online direct. Best subs out there. I have a RSL 10s mk2 sub with my Wharfdale Denton bookshelf speakers. Sounds amazing.
  6. B

    Using my ultra pro with integrated tube amp and have a remote issue

    What time l integrated tube amp are you getting? I love my Willsenton r8. Sounds sublime
  7. B

    NOS/OS mode when using external DAC?

    Gustard should be a great dac. 👍
  8. B

    Ongoing Beta Beta Test: Qobuz Connect

    Are you not seeing something similar to this?
  9. B

    Ongoing Beta Beta Test: Qobuz Connect

    Wasn’t working for me over the weekend either. This morning I got a couple emails from Qobuz saying they did some server updates. Second one said I’m on the list for Qobuz connect. Fired the stereo up this morning and good to go. Qobuz connect is working.
  10. B

    NOS/OS mode when using external DAC?

    I don’t believe there is a NOS mode on the Ultra. I have mine connected to a Fiio k11r2r dac and am using NOS mode. Sounds sublime
  11. B

    Ongoing Beta Beta Test: Qobuz Connect

    This is what I instated on my iPhone. Test flight and Qobuz beta. Working ok this morning
  12. B

    Ongoing Beta Beta Test: Qobuz Connect

    I can’t get by the dang chime lol
  13. B

    Ongoing Beta Beta Test: Qobuz Connect

    This is what I installed. Can’t fund a Qobuz connect option?
  14. B

    Ongoing Beta Beta Test: Qobuz Connect

    Uninstalled Qobuz. Went to reinstalled the beta Qobuz from the TestFlight app. This is as far as I can get. When I pick the cast option my ultra chimes likes it’s connected. But goes no farther than this. Hopefully I’ll figure it out