Recent content by KU713

  1. K

    WiiM Home App v3.0.0 Update - Nov 8, 2024

    Oh, I've already set it to green and I'm happy and enjoying the great Wiim Pro Plus
  2. K

    WiiM Home App v3.0.0 Update - Nov 8, 2024

    Where can the color be changed? Sorry for sounding stupid, I'm not American.
  3. K

    WiiM Home App v3.0.0 Update - Nov 8, 2024

    I don't mean it's bad, but the purple color is stupid. It must only be in your company colors (green, black, white) and that is the best.
  4. K

    The Ultra Has Landed

    My work colleague bought a wiim ultra with full expectations, and his first impressions brought him disappointment. He already has a wiim pro plus like me and he also has a bluesound node. Before that, he was very excited about the wiim pro plus, but now with the wiim ultra, he says that...
  5. K

    Completed Beta: Room Correction for Android

    So I tried RC and it works well, I just wish I had more curves to choose from, including ones that emphasize highs, such as Etymotic, Grado and HiFiMan
  6. K

    WiiM Pro Plus Firmware v4.8.623428 Update - Jul 17, 2024

    Thank you very much for supporting the HLS m3u8 stream, everything is finally working.
  7. K

    Somafm HLS Flac stream

    Yes, but it's so tempting how it would sound in Flac.
  8. K

    Somafm HLS Flac stream

    Could someone please advise how to play Somafm Groove Salad HLS Flac stream? This is not possible with the help of Open Network Stream. Thank you.
  9. K

    Where to buy trigger cable in Europe

    Does this cable really have to be mono or can it be stereo?
  10. K

    Where to buy trigger cable in Europe

    Can you give me some advice on where to buy a trigger cable 2.5 mm to 3.5 mm, approx. 30 cm, for my Wiim Pro Plus. I don't even know if it's mono or stereo. I found something on American amazon, but I would prefer European.
  11. K

    Wiim Amp buzz

    After the success with the wiim pro plus, we were all looking forward to the wiim amp and expected that success to be repeated. Unfortunately, there was a problem with the buzzing. I don't understand how it is possible that such a product went on sale and continues to be sold.
  12. K

    WiiM Amp

    We're all looking forward to it.
  13. K

    WiiM Amp

    I appreciate so much that the wiim team cooperated beautifully and transparently in the improvement of the wiim pro plus and thus gained the respect of the users, and maybe that also contributed to the high valuation of many interest servers and now they are doing such secrets with the wiim amp...
  14. K

    WiiM Amp

    I don't understand at all why the wiim team won't write the complete wiim amp specifications here, why let us just guess.
  15. K

    WiiM Amp

    Why Wiim Pro Plus has bluetooth ver. 5.1 and Wiim Amp 5.0 ?