
  1. Fallingbadgers

    AirPlay has stopped working

    Over the past few days I can no longer stream via AirPlay to my WiiM Mini. The iPad or iPhone see the WiiM Mini and both will connect but when I play anything then after a second of silence the play bar on which ever app stops and the connection is dropped. They are all on the same WiFi...
  2. T

    Wiim Mini and Marantx M-CR610

    Hi folks I've got a Marantz M-cr610 - is it possible to output sound via a connected Wiim mini to Homepod2 speakers? Many thanks Terry
  3. D700

    Better than Airplay

    If you have given up on Airplay with Wiim (curse you Apple) or your device doesn't have it, here's best option I've found: For those seeking: Wiim/Apple Music Ecosystem integration Apple Music navigation: view, select, play, pause from any Mac, iPhone, iPad, Watch Lossless music up to 24/48...
  4. O

    WIIM Mini not accessible via AirPlay

    Hi, my WIIM Mini is always powered on and connected to the HIFI and configured for my WIFI. Usually I can see it in the AirPlay menu of my Apple devices initially (after having set up or after a cold start), but once it changes to standby (no input for some time), it is not visible anymore as...
  5. W

    How To Stream Apple Music Media Over AirPlay To WiiM Devices.

    MacOS, iOS, iPad OS and old versions of tv OS can assign wired speakers connected to Wiim devices as AirPlay Speakers. The WiiM device is not involved with AirPlay whatsoever. It processes the data stream as exactly as it proccess TOSLINK digital input from all non-Apple device. The solution...
  6. M

    Question about Airplay support for WiiM Ultra by WiiM mini

    Of course it's possible to connect an WiiM Mini or another Airplay 2 device (AirPort Express, Belkin Sound connect, ...) to the WiiM Ultra. But this needs a physical connection and the Optical-In is blocked. My question is, if it is possible to place the WiiM Mini anywhere in the local network...
  7. B

    Apple Music lossless through Wiim Amp

    Is there any configuration that will allow me to pass Apple Music 'Lossless' stream through my Wiim Amp? Currently, I have Amp connected to HDMI ARC on my television, and an TV hooked up to another HDMI port. However, Wiim always defaults to "Audio Input" via "Wi-Fi". Same as if I was...
  8. QuarryHunslet

    Eve Play Audio Streaming Interface

    Has anyone on the forum had any experience, or thoughts on the Eve Play Audio Streaming Interface? It's currently on offer at Amazon UK. It's an AirPlay receiver, and seems quite well specified with Audio Output options.
  9. adias

    Solution for AirPlay on the WiiM ecosystem

    A lot of posts on the lack of Airplay on recent WiiM product launches. There is a solution for that in the WiiM ecosystem for those considering the just announced AudioPro WiiM edition powered speakers. The AudioPro WiiM speakers are very nice powered speakers, controlled by the WiiM Home App...
  10. D


    This review claims that the Ultra supports Airplay but not Airplay 2: AVF Ultra Review
  11. Burnside

    AirConnect: Send audio to UPnP/Sonos/Chromecast players using AirPlay

    Didn't quite know which subforum to post this in, so general thoughts it is... AirConnect is a package developed by philippe44 who is pretty well known in LMS circles for his 'bridge' plugins which allow the transfer of audio between different protocols. This particular bridge allows UPnP...