wiim edition audio pro a10 mkii

  1. adias

    Audio Pro WiiM Speakers presets

    @WiiM Team: The A10-WiiM has 4 preset buttons, and those are reflected in the WHA device as 4 presets (one-to-one mapping). It would be nice to allow the app to carry more presets beyond the hardware-mapped 4. A call to @RyanWithWiiM, perhaps he can pass this on.
  2. G

    Devices not showing up in AirPlay (but show up in Spotify under “on other networks”)

    Hey! I have an Airplay problem. For context, I have two C10s and two A10s. All hooked up to the same network (Eero mesh network). Love the WiiM and love my errors. They work well on Spotify. The devices directly and the groups work well, no issues. But, notice how the devices show up under “on...
  3. D

    WiiM Edition Speakers

    Hello, I've seen the announcement on the Audio Pro WiiM edition speakers but they are still not available in the EU and I'm not even sure if there are any plans to launch them in the EU... On the other hand, I hear that people are successfully using the standard Audio Pros with WiiM devices. I...
  4. RyanWithWiiM

    Introducing the WiiM Edition of the Audio Pro A10 MKII and C10 MKII

    We're excited to announce that we're bringing the WiiM OS with all its functionality and features to Audio Pro speakers with the A10 MKII WiiM Edition and C10 MKII WiiM Edition. Experience the power of the WiiM OS driving these speakers to new heights starting Oct 2024. The A10 MKII is...