Animated frequency display

“We”? If you don’t like it, submit a feature request thru the app. It doesn’t bother me.
“We”? If you don’t like it, submit a feature request thru the app. It doesn’t bother me.
Done long time ago.
If you don't mind then good.

This thread is to discuss what the WiiM Ultra users would like to see, to let the WiiM team know if they shall spend time and resources on it.
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The screen is too small for any frequency display. Would be better to see if HDMI out could be added so that screen display can be a on TV for album art etc. Maybe then frequency display would be an interesting novelty.
You think?
My rme dac has a smaller screen than the ultra, and frequency display works nicely on that, imo.
Indeed. And it’s hardly a “novelty”, it’s a highly accurate and informative spectrum analyzer.
The screen is too small for any frequency display. Would be better to see if HDMI out could be added so that screen display can be a on TV for album art etc. Maybe then frequency display would be an interesting novelty.
Hi @eByGum
I don't understand why you say that. 🤔 I completely agree with @Mr Ee . My Topping D70Pro Sabre has a smaller screen than the Ultra and its spectrum analyzer works like a beauty.
Not only that, I can see it perfectly from my listening position. 4.5 meters from the system. With the larger screen of the Ultra it would be even better.;)
The animated frequency display in Optical In and Line In modes is just annoying and has no benefits.

What do you think? Should we request for a proper real frequency display or is it of no usage?
100% agree on both points, real frequency display for each channel should be great (y)
That could be a way to show it. I do however think the Ultra display is too small to show all.
I don't know what software is running the Ultra display but my guess is that it is based on the X-Windows framework (Unix GUI). It is not based on a browser I'm sure.
That could be a way to show it. I do however think the Ultra display is too small to show all.
I don't know what software is running the Ultra display but my guess is that it is based on the X-Windows framework (Unix GUI). It is not based on a browser I'm sure.
Unlikely to be using X11, it’s more likely that it writes directly to the framebuffer, as most embedded systems do.
