Apple Music lossless through Wiim Amp


Jul 1, 2024
Is there any configuration that will allow me to pass Apple Music 'Lossless' stream through my Wiim Amp?
Currently, I have Amp connected to HDMI ARC on my television, and an TV hooked up to another HDMI port. However, Wiim always defaults to "Audio Input" via "Wi-Fi". Same as if I was streaming music from my iPhone or iPad to Wiim Amp. Setting the Amp to "Audio Input - TV" is just.... Confusing. It sort of works (I think). But not sure what it is actually doing. In any case, I don't detect any audio difference, and the Wiim App still shows 256KB stream, and then the next time I look at the setting, it says "Wi-Fi" again anyway (???) I don't know...
Would it make any difference (can I get Lossless) if I use "Line-In" or "Optical"? Anything else?
How are you playing Apple Music - via the Apple TV app,or via airplay from your phone?
IPad > DAC > WiiM Amp Line In

will give you Apple Music lossless up to 192kHz (dependent on the DAC used).
Would a cheap apple TV device work for apple music?

I am an avid iOS user, but I still use Tidal as it works over all my devices, whereas Apple music seems to be more fussy.
One user has previously mentioned using an AirPort Express. Not sure which model. You can find them used still. It has optical out and AirPlay 1 which has 24/48 lossless. I haven’t tried this method on my amp yet. I’ve since moved on to Qobuz. If I find the tread I’ll post. Hope this helps.
iPad then DAC
straight to amp is lossless

No idea what the WiiM Amp does, but my iPad connected via USB-C to my FiiO DAC and from there via RCA into my strictly analog amp delivers up to 192 with Apple Music. Says the DACs display.
For me, no issues either with the post (which I saw) nor its deletion / amendment.

The wiim amp digitises the analog input (as do all wiims), assuming that's what you were referring to.
May be I didn't interpret this "DDADDA and lossy" or so as digital to analog and around and around and around.
in fact any device that has an Apple Music app can feed a suitable DAC via USB it does not have to be an Apple device
Wasn't aware. Thank you. Works with my Xperia!
May be I didn't interpret this "DDADDA and lossy" or so as digital to analog and around and around and around.
I haven't looked into wiim amp.
I don't know whether Wiimp Amp will digitalize anything
After I quick brief looking, it seems wiim amp will digitalize the analog input - Line In (Up to 192k, 24 bit, from the specification)

For any digital audio source, da, then ad, finally da, I don't consider as losseless.
So, just amend my reply.

For the best solution using wiim amp with Apple Music Hi-Res Lossless, I think is using the optical in for the wiim(using usb to optical converter for iPad)
For using Apple TV, the highest sampling rate is limited to 48kHz

From Apple: (

How to listen to lossless on your Apple TV 4K​

What you need​

How to turn lossless on or off​

  1. Go to Settings > Apps.
  2. Select Music.
  3. Select Audio Quality.
  4. Select or unselect Lossless. Apple TV 4K currently doesn’t support Hi-Res Lossless (sample rates greater than 48 kHz).
I haven't looked into wiim amp.
I don't know whether Wiimp Amp will digitalize anything
After I quick brief looking, it seems wiim amp will digitalize the analog input - Line In (Up to 192k, 24 bit, from the specification)

For any digital audio source, da, then ad, finally da, I don't consider as losseless.
So, just amend my reply.

For the best solution using wiim amp with Apple Music Hi-Res Lossless, I think is using the optical in for the wiim(using usb to optical converter for iPad)
For using Apple TV, the highest sampling rate is limited to 48kHz

From Apple: (

How to listen to lossless on your Apple TV 4K​

What you need​

How to turn lossless on or off​

  1. Go to Settings > Apps.
  2. Select Music.
  3. Select Audio Quality.
  4. Select or unselect Lossless. Apple TV 4K currently doesn’t support Hi-Res Lossless (sample rates greater than 48 kHz).
OK, I interpreted this DDADDA or so as fanfare;-) And yes, with every WiiM there is no chance.
Would it make any difference (can I get Lossless) if I use "Line-In" or "Optical"? Anything else?
I connect one of these to my iPad, and then use an optical cable from there to optical in on the WiiM Amp.

The following post shows the iPhone Apple Music screen, and the WiiM Home app, but the iPad would look similar in portrait mode, and it shows in this example Hi-Res Lossless 24-bit/192 kHz playback.
