Audio Forums - a bloke only zone?


Major Contributor
Mar 31, 2023
Comunidad Valenciana
I'm pretty certain that every audio forum I've ever visited is composed of 99.9% male contributors (either in bloke or audio-geek guise).


My initial response is that women actually listen to music, while the bloke is more into amassing a humungous selection of albums & tracks, or spends hours reconfiguring the 'system' to achieve that perfect sound, or debating the relative merits of different cables, etc.

Me? Increasingly I'll only play a track or album from start to end if it's accompanied by a video.....
I'm pretty certain that every audio forum I've ever visited is composed of 99.9% male contributors (either in bloke or audio-geek guise).


My initial response is that women actually listen to music, while the bloke is more into amassing a humungous selection of albums & tracks, or spends hours reconfiguring the 'system' to achieve that perfect sound, or debating the relative merits of different cables, etc.

Me? Increasingly I'll only play a track or album from start to end if it's accompanied by a video.....
Well yes, your observation is certainly true! 😂
Not sure about the reasons…
The sound quality seems of lesser importance compared to the music itself…
There are a few I know. When I count it is exact 1 out of 20. A shame, we've had that some days ago.
A typical male attitude might be to communicate things more complicated and important than they are. Makes a superior impression. 😉 My wife knows much about music and is able to say good, better, worse for a stereo. But she isn't interested in why things are as they are, buys and services have to deliver what they promise.
But beware:
