Audio input displayed as WiFi instead of Ethernet


Aug 11, 2023
I have connected my WIIM PRO PLUS via Ethernet and disabled WiFi. I don't understand why I see WiFi in audio input in device settings.
Firmware 4 8 529057
I have connected my WIIM PRO PLUS via Ethernet and disabled WiFi. I don't understand why I see WiFi in audio input in device settings.
Firmware 4 8 529057
Minor/cosmetic display bug I’d guess - does it also show that on the next page if you select it?

Drop a line to WiiM by raising a ticket thru the feedback section in the WiiM Home app and they’ll get round to fixing it in a future app update.
Perhaps you could also raise one for all the bad grammar in the screens.
I'm trying to let that one go too...
I worked for several years translating from English to Italian for a big Japanese hifi company. Their Japanese english was really funny.