Connect Pro Plus Wirelesssly to Denon Receiver to play turntable -Help!

Jeremy G

New member
Sep 7, 2024
I have a Denon S660H w HEOS and Bluetooth connected to my WiFi network and living room speaker setup.

In my dining room, I’ve got a vintage Luxman L-100 amp connected to a different set of speakers and to a WIIM pro plus, which I use to stream music from my phone through the Luxman amp. I want to add a turntable to my dining room setup, which will connect to the phono on that amp.

If I run my Luxman output to the WIIM pro plus Input, can I send that signal to the Denon so I can listen to the turntable in both areas? Is Bluetooth the only option?

Any thoughts appreciated.



You could add a mini to the lounge, optical out to Denon, and group the wiims.
It'd probably cost less than a couple of LPs ;)
But maybe you were after options with no additional outlay?
I am willing to do additional outlay but was curious if the WIIM can connect wirelessly to a receiver. Doesn’t seem like the WIIM can be a wireless transmitter.
Actually, I just reread your post.

With the turntable going to the luxman amp and then that going to the pro, adding another wiim in a group will not work well as the grouped wiims will introduce a delay. i.e. the audio out of the denon will not be in sync with the luxman.
I'd imagine trying to use bluetooth from the wiim to the denon would have the same issue.
But it is easy and free to try. Looking at images of the back of the Luxman on the net you should be able use an RCA cable to connect the Tape Rec Out on the Luxman to the LINE IN on the WiiM Pro Plus and then use Bluetooth to send the signal to the Denon.
I also do not need to play simultaneously in both rooms. The turntable I’m going to buy has a preamp that can be bypassed. Couldn’t I run the out from the TT to line in of WIIM and Bluetooth to the Denon?
Turntable sometime include a phono preamplifier. This is different from a regular preamplifier and is required to play records. You would leave the turntable preamp switch in the ON position and use an RCA cable to connect the output of the turntable to the WiiM. Then you can use Bluetooth to send the signal to the Denon.

Some turntables also include a Bluetooth transmitter. If you buy one of these, you can use Bluetooth to feed the Denon directly.
I was assuming there was a specific reason the TT was going to the Luxman, i.e. the TT didn't have a phono stage and the Luxman had a phono input.
If the TT has a phono preamp then yes, you could plug it into the Wiim's line in and from there either bluetooth to the Denon or line out to the Luxman.
Functionally that's no different from TT going to Luxman, Luxman to Wiim, Wiim to Denon.

Vinyl purists might not want to go TT to Wiim for normal listening (i.e. then on to the Luxman) as the Wiim line in is always digitised.
If you were to go TT to Wiim then you could get a 2nd Wiim for the Lounge/Denon if you later decided you did want synchronised music or if bluetooth didn't work as well as you'd hoped.