Great Versatility


Oct 21, 2024
So I am new to Wiim but have been streaming my flac files with Squeezeboxes since about 2007, back when they were Slim Devices and not Logitech. I discovered Wiim when looking through the squeezebox forums regarding being shutdown.

I got to where only 2 out of my 8 or so squeezeboxes work. No amazon music support, spotify out of date, no support for modern wifi standards, it was time to look for alternatives.

What intrigued me initially with Wiim was that that they supported SqueezeLite. So I could upgrade my music streamers AND keep my squeezebox server. This was brilliant!!

I got a pair of Pro Plus boxes and was quite pleasantly surprised by the sound quality of Amazon music streaming HD audio. Squeezebox functionality was just like it was before. Setup and configuration was a breeze. I also have a Pro hooked up to a headphone Amp. All playback was gapless also. That is far too often overlooked.

The final stroke of brilliance was when I discovered I could connect a tape out to the line in on one of the boxes and use it to broadcast the audio to other boxes by creating a group. I am using this to listen to my turntable through a different system.

I have tried casting from various apps on my phone and it's great to have that flexibility. Bluetooth also which will come in handy.

I am very happy to have discovered these great little boxes.