HTTP API not working


New member
May 29, 2024
I've just got my wiim mini. Everythings seem to be fine but some of the http API commands do not work.
Playback control commands works well.
But the getStatusEX does not work(I get unknown command resposne). Also the multiroom command, I can use mute slave, kick slave, but cannot use getslavelist.
The older version of Audiocast M5, which is compatible to linkplay API is able to use these functions.
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I've just got my wiim mini. Everythings seem to be fine but some of the http API commands do not work.
Playback control commands works well.
But the getStatusEX does not work(I get unknown command resposne). Also the multiroom command, I can use mute slave, kick slave, but cannot use getslavelist.
The older version of Audiocast M5, which is compatible to linkplay API is able to use these functions.
I'm not able to confirm what the Audiocast M5 does, but it's possible that it doesn't handle the self-signed certificate.

Depending on your skill level, you can set up a proxy on a NAS or server to accept the self-signed certificate (secure-side of the proxy -- https) and then forward a bare http (insecure side of the proxy -- http) to any device that can't handle the certificate. Link below has the docker bits to add to a NAS or server.

Below are the results from curl using https and then using curl's built-in certificate bypass (similar to user with a browser clicking andignoring a certificate warning).

curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self-signed certificate
More details here:

curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.

curl --insecure
{     "language": "en_us",
    "ssid": "WiiM Amp-38B2",
    "hideSSID": "0",
    "build": "release",
    "project": "WiiM_AMP",
    "priv_prj": "WiiM_AMP",
    "project_build_name": "WiiM_AMP",
    "Release": "20240517",
    "FW_Release_version": "",
    "PCB_version": "2",
    "cast_enable": 1,
    "cast_usage_report": 0,
    "group": "0",
    "wmrm_version": "4.2",
    "expired": "0",
    "internet": "1",