Latest update 4.8.539349 somehow deleted my presets?


Major Contributor
Mar 19, 2023
Eugene, Oregon, USA
Grinch stole my presets !! After the latest update, the Presets page is empty (on all WiiM Home App versions here: iOS, Win, and Android).

[Edit] Oh well, not too serious, I found them all and will add back. Not exactly sure what happened, or whether the update was to blame in any way, as I hadn't listened to a preset radio stream in over a week or so.
Last edited:
Grinch stole my presets !! After the latest update, the Presets page is empty (on all WiiM Home App versions here: iOS, Win, and Android).

[Edit] Oh well, not too serious, I found them all and will add back. Not exactly sure what happened, or whether the update was to blame in any way, as I hadn't listened to a preset radio stream in over a week or so

I lost my presets numerous times since I have used Wiim products. Firmware updates, app updates, phone updates, router updates? The reason why just got too thought intensive to deal with. I just put them back in.
This loss of presets is the first time for me. I noticed that the WiiM Home App also updated, to 2.7.6, probably around the same time as the hardare's firmware update. But it seems all my other settings were unscathed. I haven't changed anything in a long time, just enjoying listening to the music. No problems with lost connections or anything of that nature, and everything sounds/functions as normal.