Loud Popping Sounds With External DAC When Sample Rate Changes or Wakes from Standby – Anyone Else?


New member
Sep 11, 2024
I’m experiencing an ongoing issue with my WiiM Ultra streamer when using external DACs, and I’m wondering if others have encountered the same problem.

The issue is as follows: whenever the sample rate changes, I hear loud popping sounds – sometimes 2, 3, or 4 consecutive pops. This also happens when the WiiM wakes up from standby or goes to sleep, with a loud single pop. It occurs consistently whether I’m using my Denafrips Ares II DAC or when I previously used an SMSL RAW MDA-1 DAC, which I ended up returning thinking it was faulty.

I’ve tried multiple connection methods – USB, coaxial, and optical – but nothing seems to resolve the issue. I’ve also experimented with changing the buffer settings, fixing the sample rate, but none of these adjustments have worked.

I’ve searched this forum extensively, and more broadly online, and while I’ve seen some reports of similar issues, I haven’t come across any concrete solutions.

I’ve raised a support ticket with both WiiM and Denafrips but am still trying to figure out if this is a common issue with the WiiM Ultra when paired with certain DACs or if there’s a fix I’ve overlooked.

Has anyone else experienced this? If so, have you found a solution or workaround?

To provide more context, here’s a description of my current setup:

Streamer: WiiM Ultra, connected via coaxial to the DAC.
DAC: Denafrips Ares II.
Preamp: From the Denafrips, I run into a Schiit Saga II preamp.
Amplifiers: XLR out from the Saga II into two Schiit Vidar monoblocks.
Source: I’m using Tidal through ROON.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I’m experiencing an ongoing issue with my WiiM Ultra streamer when using external DACs, and I’m wondering if others have encountered the same problem.

The issue is as follows: whenever the sample rate changes, I hear loud popping sounds – sometimes 2, 3, or 4 consecutive pops. This also happens when the WiiM wakes up from standby or goes to sleep, with a loud single pop. It occurs consistently whether I’m using my Denafrips Ares II DAC or when I previously used an SMSL RAW MDA-1 DAC, which I ended up returning thinking it was faulty.

I’ve tried multiple connection methods – USB, coaxial, and optical – but nothing seems to resolve the issue. I’ve also experimented with changing the buffer settings, fixing the sample rate, but none of these adjustments have worked.

I’ve searched this forum extensively, and more broadly online, and while I’ve seen some reports of similar issues, I haven’t come across any concrete solutions.

I’ve raised a support ticket with both WiiM and Denafrips but am still trying to figure out if this is a common issue with the WiiM Ultra when paired with certain DACs or if there’s a fix I’ve overlooked.

Has anyone else experienced this? If so, have you found a solution or workaround?

To provide more context, here’s a description of my current setup:

Streamer: WiiM Ultra, connected via coaxial to the DAC.
DAC: Denafrips Ares II.
Preamp: From the Denafrips, I run into a Schiit Saga II preamp.
Amplifiers: XLR out from the Saga II into two Schiit Vidar monoblocks.
Source: I’m using Tidal through ROON.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Have you tried turning on the fade in fade out effect in the audio settings?

I have previously experienced a similar popping sound to yours with the SMSL M200 DAC (on Mini and pro.). It seems that a very small percentage of DACs have this problem. And I believe there was a history of latency and fade-in settings being added to address this issue.

If a fixed resolution setting is added to Ultra in a future update, your problem may be solved.

However, in my case I have never heard a pop sound on return to standby or sleep. Thus I do not know if this is the same issue.
Yeah, fade in and out is engaged but it makes no difference. Thanks for suggesting though. Denafrips ARES II is such a high profile DAC, I’m surprised there aren’t others in my boat.
You mention trying fixed resolution - was that by setting the max sample rate /bit depth in the wiim app as low as possible, i.e. 44.1/16?
Does it pop for optical and usb connections too?
That’s right. I set maximal sample rates to the lowest possible and still experience pops. All outputs (USB, optical and coax) generate the same issue.
It might be better to think of it as all (ares) inputs generate the same issue :)
Strange though, if there's only a single rate coming out of the wiim there should be no sample rate change for the dac to adjust to.
When set to 44.1/16, when exactly do these pops occur?
That’s right. I set maximal sample rates to the lowest possible and still experience pops. All outputs (USB, optical and coax) generate the same issue.
Btw, where is the power cable for the Ultra connected? Also, are you using the supplied power cable?

I actually heard a pop noise today from my WiiM connected to my newly purchased power strip. It occurred when returning to standby and going into standby. When I plugged the power cable into a wall outlet the noise went away.

I don't know if this is related to your problem, but it might be worth checking around the power supply.