Multiroom drops


New member
Jun 27, 2024
I have 5 minis scattered around the house, all on the same WiFi net, all with connections rated from Okay to Very Good, all in the same group to play synchronously. I use Tidal Connect for streaming to the group. Generally it works very well. However, very often (once a week or more) one or more of them will just stop playing while the rest continue. There is no error and the unit is shown as up and connected but there's no sound. This has happened to at least 3 of the 5 units.

If I remove one that stopped playing from the group and use Tidal Connect on it, I've never had a problem.

Thoughts anyone?
With multi room on any system, I’d check that your router is up to the task as the more you have in a multi room group, the more data that’s flying around.
I'm using an eero mesh and >500 Mbps internet connection so there's plenty of data capacity. Anyway, the data bandwidth requirements for audio are very low compared to things like video.