Music videos

The German Rolling Stone is one of my go-to-side for music news. There is a tab "Videos". May be worth a look. Most likely the content is different from the .com adress.
Flicking through the US edition of RS is like waking up in a parallel universe ... Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? (to quote a famous band of yore) 🤔😎

If only there was a way to play videos on streamers with screens (eg. the new Ultra?).

Any other suggestions for great music videos?
HUGE music video fan here... and yes - now THAT would be some use of a screen on a streamer - imagine automatically loading the video from tidal connect whenever you play any song (even though i know it probably doesn't support it) 🤯 it's the one feature i miss the most from tidal

i'm sorry "100 greatest videos" and no californication?!! 🤨 lost all credibility right there :LOL:

there are some questionable choices on the list and some glaring omissions. my guess is youtube would do a better job of such a list - and actually show you clips 🤔
Tidal has some excellent videos - I'm sure the programming gurus at Wiim could provide a video player feature!

Can you watch Tidal music videos on your TV this way?

Chromecast > (HDMI) > TV > (ARC) > Wiim Ultra
Wiim doesn’t run the Tidal app. Videos are not available via the api to my knowledge and I would imagine they have very strict copyright laws for them which is why they only available via their own app.

Both devices you mention are primarily video devices so makes sense for Tidal to nake them available. On an audio streamer ?
Why would you want to see a video on 3.5” screen from across a room? Makes no sense.

For me you can’t keep video far enough away from music and I don’t want it on my audio gear thank you. That’s what your pc or tv is for.
No. Not that I'm aware of... can someone with tidal test this pls?!
If it had hdmi arc in then yes it would work like it would with any soundbar would, the chromecast would output video audio would be routed to the Wiim. No you won’t get it on the screen on the Wiim.