Pro Plus randomly changing music stream


May 20, 2024
Hi. Newbie here.
I've been enjoying my PP for a bit over a week and very happy thus far.
Odd thing happened this evening. I was listing to a Qobuz playlist, glass of vin rouge in hand, when suddenly it switched to a spotify playlist I last listened to several days ago.
I was using the app on one device, although it's available on 2.
I restarted the Qobuz stream and a few minutes later the same thing happened.
So I shut everything down and restarted 15 mins or so later. Thus far no further issue.

The PP is connected via coax to my cambridge cxa61. I use the app mainly on an older Ipad, sometimes my android mobile.

Any thoughts appreciated!
Has anyone else recently used Spotify Connect to your WiiM? Could be they were trying to play Spotify without realising it still had a connection to your WiiM and wondered why it wasn’t playing on their device. They don’t even need to be on the same network for that to happen
Has anyone else recently used Spotify Connect to your WiiM? Could be they were trying to play Spotify without realising it still had a connection to your WiiM and wondered why it wasn’t playing on their device. They don’t even need to be on the same network for that to happen
Thanks. I do have Spotify Family/Premium so my wife and I can listen independently. However her devices aren't connected to the PP, and she was in a mtg with a client at the time.
So I don't think that's the cause, but I appreciate the reply.
i suspect it’s something to do with the Spotify app as reports of random playback most often are related to Spotify - Google “Spotify plays randomly” and you’ll see a lot of hits. Also, while, the WiiM app can pause and resume a Spotify stream, it’s initiated from the Spotify app. Sometimes it’s suggested that you should ‘log out everywhere’ from Spotify (iirc, that’s on the web interface) and change your password to minimise a recurrence. On the other hand, it could just have been a one off glitch.