Problem connecting to the network on leased IP


New member
Nov 24, 2024
I am the owner of Wiim Pro Plus
It is connected to the network via LAN (via cable).
(If it is important - Mikrotik Hap AC2 router)
My router dynamically distributes IP addresses to network devices.
But for each device in Leases, the received IP is converted to static and it is written in Comment what kind of device it is.
But Wiim Pro Plus does not connect to a reserved IP, but to a free dynamic one. With the same MAC address (it does not have a dynamic MAC address).
What is this problem?
How to solve it?
In the WiiM Home app under device settings/ network status, can’t you set the configure IP setting to manual rather than automatic and set the IP there? I would have thought your router would have dealt with this if it had actually reserved the IP for your WiiM’s MAC address.
I have 18 devices in the network, and they are all connected as I described - dynamic IP, the device receives a dynamic IP from the router, reserv this IP for this device in Leasing. And they all devices work fine. Except a WiiM
But for each device in Leases, the received IP is converted to static and it is written in Comment what kind of device it is.
I don't understand what that means.

Does this Mikrotik Hap AC2 router have a separate "Leases" menu? What exactly can you configure there? If it's just the lease time (per device?) this is still not the same as always assigning the same IP address to the same device. With all routers I have used so far, the option to always assign the same IP address is just a checkbox that needs to be ticked per device (if you even want that).

Can you post a screenshot of that configuration page (with private stuff blacked out)?

Do you have any issues with the WiiM Pro Plus receiving an IP address from the dynamic pool?

Setting a fixed IP address on the WiiM end only sounds dangerous to me, the router doesn't know about what the WiiM thinks its IP address is.
I have a custom DHCP server in my network (I feed my connections through an advert and tracking blocking proxy) and I found that disabling IPv6 allowed the DHCP server to issue the WiiM an IP address with no issues.