
Steve Woodhouse

Major Contributor
Aug 11, 2023
Well, I’ve seen at least one place with a 5th July release date.

I don’t doubt the usual suspects will be wanting one of these to review as soon as possible, and it appears that WiiM has ‘reached out’ to them previously.

Hopefully we’ll be seeing something soon.
And finally for now, Erin has revealed he’s going to be reviewing the Ultra in conjunction with a pair of powered speakers.

More later.
Cheapaudioman :

If he had used the minimum phase, fast roll off filter then the sound from the dac would have been slightly better .
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Cheapaudioman :

If he had used the minimum phase, fast roll off filter then the sound from the dac would have been slightly better .

I think it’s a good and accurate review when it deals with what the Ultra is doing to the markets.

When he (and other reviewers) start to go on about ‘less detail in the mods’, do you think they draw the phrases out of a hat?
Please would you explain why? I don’t understand those filter settings.
Differences between filters can be directly seen and easily understand on oscilloscope display. Different filters "distorts" signal slightly in different ways, but all of those are simply not audible. Only slight differences can be heard in very high frequencies as difference is when and how they are cut off (fast and slow roll off), but "golden ears" ale required for that. Main difference in case of filters is that most of them are oversampling lower resolution signal (and distorts it a little) to perfect audio wave, and one is not - it's providing original, not distorted but low resolution signal - this one is not oversampling filter. There is no NOS filter in Wiim, all are OS type. Topping has one NOS filter.

As filters are OS type and all are upscaling signal to perfect wave, i personally do not understand using of hi res in case of listening (it is needed in case of editing and mastering). I do not see any added resolution or dynamic range in case of hi res and OS filter. I do see clearly better resolution in case of hi res and NOS filter (and benefit is no filters distorsion) - but who is in fact switching to NOS mode?
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I think its a good review but he misses three important points:

1. The display is very useful to see the volume numbers. It can be seen from 7 meters.
2. One can use an Apple remote to control the volume for the Ultra, even when using TIDAL connect .
3. One can connect a SSD with flac files directly to the Ultra - no power supply or NAS needed !

Maybe the last thing is the greatest option for the Ultra.
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