Room correction

Is the Room correction feature an auto EQ or is something more sophisticated going on?
Room correction is currently available only on iOS devices, uses the IOS device's built-in microphone to measure the test tone played by the WiiM. Based on the results of that measurement, the function automatically adjusts the PEQ so that the frequency response is basically flat.

Room correction on Android devices will be added in a future update.
Will wiim home allow the integration of measurement microphone qualibration files in the future? external or internal...
thank you
Submit that as a feature request by raising a ticket in the app - I think that’s the best way to bring something like that to Wiim’s attention. The more who do, the better the chance they’ll address it :)
Is the Room correction feature an auto EQ or is something more sophisticated going on?
While the output is an “auto peq” setting, the RC process measures the response from a tone sweep and matches that to a listening curve, applying the necessary PEQ changes over the frequency range you choose.
As today this is not of personal interest. Things may change once the Ultra is at the post. Therefore I would like to read an answer from WiiM to the OPs initial question.
Is WiiMs RC something like an "automatic house curving", which simply takes over the job to fill the fields in PEQ? What I would, due to all respect, call Much Ado About Nothing.
Or does it, as the OP asked, "more sophisticated" room correction with f.e. looks on phase, timing, balancing out left and right output AND EQ-ing?
Room EQ will need the following

Testing of left, right and subwoofer independently
Delay/phase, levels, alignment of left, right and subwoofer independently
PEQ filters for left, right and subwoofer independently
Room EQ will need the following

Testing of left, right and subwoofer independently
Delay/phase, levels, alignment of left, right and subwoofer independently
PEQ filters for left, right and subwoofer independently

Regarding the Sub, just switch it off for the measurements… 🤷🏼‍♂️
And if it‘s just about the Sub, restrict the measurements from 20 to 50 Hz, dependent on the measurement without Sub…
Can someone clarify how room correction works? I currently output to my Marantz PM6007 thru coax with fixed output volume. My understanding is that this means the WiiM is then strictly transport as my amp dac is used not the WiiM dac.

If I use the WiiM room correction does this mean the WiiM dac is use? If so does this cause issues with my amp dac?
Can someone clarify how room correction works? I currently output to my Marantz PM6007 thru coax with fixed output volume. My understanding is that this means the WiiM is then strictly transport as my amp dac is used not the WiiM dac.

If I use the WiiM room correction does this mean the WiiM dac is use? If so does this cause issues with my amp dac?
No, RC doesn’t change that
Can someone clarify how room correction works? I currently output to my Marantz PM6007 thru coax with fixed output volume. My understanding is that this means the WiiM is then strictly transport as my amp dac is used not the WiiM dac.

If I use the WiiM room correction does this mean the WiiM dac is use? If so does this cause issues with my amp dac?

Room correction measurement sends a sine wave to your speakers. The microphone picks this up the software analyses the signal. For any peaks it applies cuts. It should also phase align all speakers together .

It can also apply a house curve.

Different room correction systems exist. Manual peq where you have to do it all yourself. Automatic like audssey where you have no control. Others like room perfect, trinnov optimiser, anthem arc, Dirac etc

Also there are things like subwoofer only correction, or both speaker and subwoofer correction.

For example in a regular hifi with sub you don't have room correction. But if you add a antimode you can EQ you sub.
Regarding the Sub, just switch it off for the measurements… 🤷🏼‍♂️
And if it‘s just about the Sub, restrict the measurements from 20 to 50 Hz, dependent on the measurement without Sub…
I can assure that integration of sub it's not as simple. I used many softwares and calibrated mic to measure and set corrects level and crossover and I got satisfactory results, until I gone with Dirac and its far more sofisticate time and phase alignment. The result it's absolutely better and incomparable. A simple PEQ leveling it's not enough...
I can assure that integration of sub it's not as simple. I used many softwares and calibrated mic to measure and set corrects level and crossover and I got satisfactory results, until I gone with Dirac and its far more sofisticate time and phase alignment. The result it's absolutely better and incomparable. A simple PEQ leveling it's not enough...
Correct. I have some experience with measuring but getting it all aligned is something else.

Eqing left/right as a pair isn't ideal, my left and right speakers response is totally different, so Eqing the sum is not best method. The factor in sub being switched off during measurement so it's not eqd nor phase aligned...

It's good this software is available but it's a long way to go compared to what is available on avrs.
No. The dac changes digital signal to analogue

Room correction is done in the digital domain by the CPU of the device before any conversion
Thanks for clarifying. I’m new to audiophilia and with my new Marantz, a new pair of Audiovector QR3 speakers I’m really enjoying my WiiM and the ecosystem behind it.
Submit that as a feature request by raising a ticket in the app - I think that’s the best way to bring something like that to Wiim’s attention. The more who do, the better the chance they’ll address it :)

Sorry but this is a standard practice and it will be super weird if Wiim was waiting from consumers to raise a ticket to do this …!