Tracks glitch and skip


Dec 17, 2022
I am having tracks glitch/skip (cut out). Have not been able to identify a pattern.

Firmware: 4.8.628343
Build date 20240904

Whilst i have plenty of bandwidth and speed with my internet connection I would think its perhaps an issue with bandwidth. It's as if there was not sufficient buffering on the Wiim to address lack of bandwidth. (fyi, I'm no computing expert ;))

FYI, signal chain:

Xfinity Gigabit Extra
Coax cable ground lifter
Xfinity xFi Advanced Gateway (XB8) Modem
Pakedge Router
Blue Jeans Cable into Wiim Pro
Coax out to LAiV Harmony DAC
Optical out to Topping D90SE

problem manifests with either DAC

Some more information would help look into this. What is the source of the music that you've been trying out? Is it local music library or a music service?

Have you tried multiple sources? Any difference between high quality sources and lower quality ones?

It'd be good to send in some feedback through the WiiM Home App and contact support to look into this with them as well.
Is your WiiM Pro wireless to the network or are you using the Ethernet connection? If it's wireless, we might try narrowing things down there.

Have you tried playing audio from the Line-in on your WiiM Pro from your phone or something else? This is a good way to test if it might be the network connection from your WiiM device back to the network where it's getting the audio source from.

If it plays fine like that, you might be getting some wireless interference that you could try to clean up, maybe just by moving the WiiM Pro a bit or changing wireless channels.