Unable to play some OGG Vorbis folders from NAS


Jan 2, 2023
I have a large library with a large number of OGG Vorbis files on my NAS, which I can play all wonderfully on my Xiaomi Mi Box S, for example.
Unfortunately, many of them cannot be played on the WiiM Mini. I can select the songs, the Mini shows the icon that it is playing, but the time stops at 0:00.
I tried deleting the tags completely with a folder, which resulted in successful playback. When tagged again, these songs could no longer be played.
Since many identically created OGG files work fine and others don't, I have come to the conclusion that the WiiM has problems with the header structure of some files, or perhaps cannot read individual characters in them.
Has anyone had similar experiences?
I have problem with Libreelec (kodi) server, everything is ok untill you press to play for song,nothing play and skips the songs to the end of folder,maybe 10 years i use that server and i never have problem with any other streamer and i have try many brands.