USB out stops sending signal after 90 minutes


New member
May 14, 2024
I wonder if any of you got the same issue: I use my WiiM Amp either with speaker out or with signal out via USB to an external DAC/Headphone Amp (in my case, an ifi Hip 3). I am very happy of this combination, but always run into the same trouble: after around 90 minutes of listening, the sound is suddenly cit, and to get it back, I have to either get back to speaker out for a moment, or switch to a different input and back to the one I was listening from. Is this a known or corrected bug ? How can I check that it is not on my side ? I could replace the Hip 3 with a cheap Apple iPhone adapter DAC and do the check, but the workaround (switching inputs forth and back) leads me to think it is a WiiM thing ...

Thanks and regards from Paris,
