Wiim mini arbitrarily flipping left - right channels


Sep 29, 2024
I have two minis in physically separate setups and both are occasionally switching left/right channels. Anybody experiencing this? It happened about for times in past four months. I am sure it is not me or anybody else playing with my gear. It must be either Tidal or Wiim. My setups are:
1) Tidal connect-wiim mini- smsl DAC - axa35 amp- Advent 5002
2) Tidal connect- wiim mini- Peachtree Nova 150- Klipsch Heresy

Both are doing this about once a month. I double check by sliding Volume balance slider in wiim app.
Anybody else?
I have two minis in physically separate setups and both are occasionally switching left/right channels. Anybody experiencing this? It happened about for times in past four months. I am sure it is not me or anybody else playing with my gear. It must be either Tidal or Wiim. My setups are:
1) Tidal connect-wiim mini- smsl DAC - axa35 amp- Advent 5002
2) Tidal connect- wiim mini- Peachtree Nova 150- Klipsch Heresy

Both are doing this about once a month. I double check by sliding Volume balance slider in wiim app.
Anybody else?

I recall this being an issue quite some time ago, and I'm pretty sure someone else mentioned this quite recently.
Maybe do a forum search, I suppose I could. Later. Perhaps ;)

Next time it happens use the wiim app to send feedback to wiim.
Bottom menu bar, Settings, Send feedback.
Thanks, at least after the latest firmware update it stopped those annoying pops when changing the bit rate between the songs.
The same thing happens to me, but with the Wiim-Amp. If I switch the input to Wifi, for example, and then back to TV, it's fixed again
Support replied to me saying this is a known issue, and that restarting the amp often fixes it. They also offered test firmware as a potential fix, but didn't sound confident in that.

I'm still in the return window, and seriously considering a return. I kinda want my audio equipment to work without this sort of headache. A shame because I think the device is great otherwise.