Wiim Ultra with sub - How you know it sounds right ?


Dec 17, 2024

New to the forum. I received Ultra 2 weeks ago and today sub SVS SB-1000 . Besides them there are 2 speakers Kef LS50 and amp is Advance Paris Playstream A5 (80W) all playing in small room (11 m2) with many bare walls and some furniture.

Cable conneciton quite staighforward:

Ultra Line Out ==> AUX IN on Amp.
Ultra Sub OUT ==> LFE on SUB

In Wiim Home I set Fixed Volume Output, and use Remote of the Amp to change Volume for individiual Songs. Also Room correction seems quite useful.

Today I got my first ever Sub - SVS SB-1000. Of course I read some hints on the web how to set up sub (crossover, Phase, Level, positioning) they give useful drections. But I am miusisng the knowledge to know when the sub sounds "right".

I played a bit in Wiim Home with settings of Crossover frequency (60 - 100) and Level and Phase. For some time I got wonderful music but I continued to tinker with settings.

I found out that if I set on Amp Remote Volume to quiet, the Sub is still playing with the same volume (logical, as it is not connected to Amp but to Ultra).

So I think this solution(Fixed Volume output) is not good, the volume on Sub should change too in case if the volume of music on main speakers changes.
So I changed Audio settings - Fixed Volume to off, but now both remote of WIIM and remote of AMP can change volume. I dont want to use both, Should I set AMP volume to very high an just use Wimm, is there a right way ?

I also ran Room corection with sub. It makes very different curve. Without sub there was a big "valley" of -12 around 50 HZ.
With sub it is different, there is flat line and then around 100HZ there is seep hill to around +5
I also run with Ultra the Syncing of Sub and speakers.

An other hints how to know that volume and postion of sub are right ?


Any other hints how to set Sub settings, thah it is not too quiet and not too loud.
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Should I set AMP volume to very high an just use Wimm, is there a right way ?
There are lots of posts in this forum on best ways to integrate a sub, but essentially, yes, use your amp like a power amp.
I'm sure the usual suspect will be along shortly to provide / link to good advice.
So I think this solution(Fixed Volume output) is not good, the volume on Sub should change too in case if the volume of music on main speakers changes.
So I changed Audio settings - Fixed Volume to off, but now both remote of WIIM and remote of AMP can change volume. I dont want to use both, Should I set AMP volume to very high an just use Wimm, is there a right way ?
If you want only the Ultra to control the volume and perform bass management, you can try setting the Ultra Fixed Volume to Off and connect the Ultra Line Out to the receiver Amp In. Make sure that the Ultra volume is set to minimum. Then connect the receiver Rec Out to the Ultra Line In. This will allow for access to your sources via the WiiM Ultra. When you select Amp In on the receiver, the receiver pre-amp controls should be bypassed and all pre-amp functions including volume will be handled by the Ultra. This is how I am configured using a vintage receiver and it works very well. Looking at the user manual for the Advance Paris receiver indicates that this should work.
Reading this thread reminded me that I have set the Volume Limit setting to 50% in case the unit runs amok and increases the volume to 100 which could damage speakers.
If you want only the Ultra to control the volume and perform bass management, you can try setting the Ultra Fixed Volume to Off and connect the Ultra Line Out to the receiver Amp In. Make sure that the Ultra volume is set to minimum. Then connect the receiver Rec Out to the Ultra Line In. This will allow for access to your sources via the WiiM Ultra. When you select Amp In on the receiver, the receiver pre-amp controls should be bypassed and all pre-amp functions including volume will be handled by the Ultra. This is how I am configured using a vintage receiver and it works very well. Looking at the user manual for the Advance Paris receiver indicates that this should work.
Thank for the suggestion LesE. Before reading that I did connect Ultra Line Out to the receiver Amp In.. But everything was very very quiet, so I knww sometghin is miising.
But reading you post you mention I should also then connect Rec Out of receiver to Ultra Line In. I will do that when I have time.

Another Idea that I got about the "right" sound of Subwoofer - why not use Room correction more in helping me with that. As I reported in many of my Room correction tests with Sub there is always big spike in the 50 to 100 Hz area, up to 25 db, sometimes over 40db.
But probably ideal curve should be flat, so I will move Subwoofer around room and also with its volume, so that Room corrction will show it closer to flat.
Thank for the suggestion LesE. Before reading that I did connect Ultra Line Out to the receiver Amp In.. But everything was very very quiet, so I knww sometghin is miising.
But reading you post you mention I should also then connect Rec Out of receiver to Ultra Line In. I will do that when I have time.

Another Idea that I got about the "right" sound of Subwoofer - why not use Room correction more in helping me with that. As I reported in many of my Room correction tests with Sub there is always big spike in the 50 to 100 Hz area, up to 25 db, sometimes over 40db.
But probably ideal curve should be flat, so I will move Subwoofer around room and also with its volume, so that Room corrction will show it closer to flat.
That peek you see is most likely due to room mode, ie your rooms dimensions affecting a specific frequency.
You can as you say try and find a better location for the sub, in my experience it is very seldom possible and one has to use DSP to remove it, preferably if your Subwoofer has a DSP I would manage it there.
If you want only the Ultra to control the volume and perform bass management, you can try setting the Ultra Fixed Volume to Off and connect the Ultra Line Out to the receiver Amp In. Make sure that the Ultra volume is set to minimum. Then connect the receiver Rec Out to the Ultra Line In. This will allow for access to your sources via the WiiM Ultra. When you select Amp In on the receiver, the receiver pre-amp controls should be bypassed and all pre-amp functions including volume will be handled by the Ultra. This is how I am configured using a vintage receiver and it works very well. Looking at the user manual for the Advance Paris receiver indicates that this should work.

I did only the first part, I connected UltraU Line Out to Receiver Amp in. At the same time Sub is connected to Ultra Sub out. Result is that Music is coming out of speakers quite loud, Volume is controled only by ultra.But nothing can be heared from Sub. Maybe it is connected with statment that Ultra at once activetes just 1 of outputs.
Interetingly enpough , in a similar setting : Sub connectrd to Ultra Sub out, Ultra Line Out connected to AMp Aux IN, BOTH speakers and SUB are playing just fine. Only problme I have in such caser that both volume remotes (of Ultra and Sub) are active. And somehow the sound and volume is not sounding so good as when there is only one in control. But this is one of best cases where Sub is plaiyng, and is controlled by Ultra

Sorry but I dont dare to first connect Wiim with amp into Receiver Amp in and then connect Amp Rec Out back to Wiim Line In. It looks like it could create some kind of loop

I did only the first part, I connected UltraU Line Out to Receiver Amp in. At the same time Sub is connected to Ultra Sub out. Result is that Music is coming out of speakers quite loud, Volume is controled only by ultra.But nothing can be heared from Sub. Maybe it is connected with statment that Ultra at once activetes just 1 of outputs.
Interetingly enpough , in a similar setting : Sub connectrd to Ultra Sub out, Ultra Line Out connected to AMp Aux IN, BOTH speakers and SUB are playing just fine. Only problme I have in such caser that both volume remotes (of Ultra and Sub) are active. And somehow the sound and volume is not sounding so good as when there is only one in control. But this is one of best cases where Sub is plaiyng, and is controlled by Ultra

Sorry but I dont dare to first connect Wiim with amp into Receiver Amp in and then connect Amp Rec Out back to Wiim Line In. It looks like it could create some kind of loop
What is your Line Out Level and Volume Limit set to?

Also, try increasing your Sub Output Level.
@lecko, what did you buy the WiiM Ultra for in the first place? The Playstream A5 offers a lot of the features found in the Ultra plus a power amplifier. So, what's your primary use case? How do you want to use the Playstream A5 in the future? Any sources still connected to it?

I'm asking not to question your decision, but out of genuine curiosity. If we know better what you are trying to achieve we might be able to come up with better suggestions.

One thing you have learned already is that the WiiM Ultra must be in exclusive control of the volume to be able to use a sub. This is by no means a limitation of the device, it's dictated by logic.
What is your Line Out Level and Volume Limit set to?

Also, try increasing your Sub Output Level.
Bingo @LesE your suggestion did the trick. Before I had Line out set to max (something like 2V), then I tried with 0.2V and 0.4V and it get much quieter, better control with Ultra Volume.
Now I am testing the postioning (sub crawling). Hard to tel for me where it sounds better. For now very good postion is beside listener swetspot.

If I listen only to sub sounds (Can do that if I mute main speakers on Ultra) often very rough sounds coming out of it, but together with main speakers unmuted all together it just sounds bette, fullerr than before (when I had spekaers only). I watch to keep sub volume quite low, only to augment sound, not to owerpower.

@harkpabst, good question. This time of year, you can buy equipment at amazon and try at home for more than a month. So I wil try and listen . Additional value for now:
- Sub controls - should enable main bookshelves to sound better (A5 no separation of Sub signal I think)
- Room correction (I can hear difference in some configuraitons)
- Tidal connect (still struggling to tell spotify song from same tidal song)
- Display , also with "VU meter" - hope they imprve it)
- better DAC chip

If I keep Ultra then maybe later I can sell A5 and buy power amp.
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Additional value for now:
- Sub controls - should enable main bookshelves to sound better (A5 no separation of Sub signal I think)
- Room correction (I can hear difference in some configuraitons)
- Tidal connect (still struggling to tell spotify song from same tidal song)
- Display , also with "VU meter" - hope they imprve it)
- better DAC chip

If I keep Ultra then maybe later I can sell A5 and buy power amp.
It makes sense that way, in particular the last sentence. ;)

Maybe you'd want to replace the Playstream A5 with an A5? ;)

you tested it ?
Mine is about to arrive at my door every day now. These amps are brand new.

I went with the lower power but high current A5 deliberately, because the TPA2351 measures slightly better than the TPA3255 and 3e Audio's DIY boards have been about the best performing TPA325x boards.

I mainly mentioned this due to the fun fact that both products are named "A5". But joking aside, I expect this to be a very competent companion to the Ultra. See the extensive review by Archimago (the link to part 1 is right at the top):

Until WiiM may come up with something better one day ... so far they left this business to third parties ...
Nothing more to say right now, it just arrived.
Congratulations 🤗
Unfortunately, I have no reasons to be happy.
One of my A7 Monos was stuck in customs and the other one was stuck somewhere between the Netherlands and Poland. I'm not optimistic... It wasn't a good idea to divide one purchase into two packages 😢