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    • H
      Hiphiman reacted to d6jg's post in the thread Squeezelite and LMS with Like Like.
      1. The UPnP/DLNA Interface plugin (by Andy Grudman) is the one NOT to use. This presents the LMS server as a UPnP server inside the WHA...
    • H
      Hiphiman reacted to Brantome's post in the thread WiiM Ultra launch price with Like Like.
      It’s never as simple as just applying exchange rates because of other factors likes sales tax/VAT, import duties etc. Quite often you...
    • H
      Hiphiman replied to the thread WiiM Amp Pro.
      It’s a shame the Pro did not stretch to an optical/coax out just to accommodate the time when people want to upgrade.
    • H
      I cannot speak for the Pro Plus but the Mini connected to a Mojo 2 is miles better than through the Mini’s DAC. It really is the...
    • H
      Hiphiman reacted to bherren's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      For you maybe... I for one welcome HDMI if anything for the practicality of not having to change remote when watching TV, it saves my...
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