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    • bird
      I think the problem is that the scale is logarithmic but the needle movements are not. A proper scale (dBFS) and a correctly calibrated...
    • bird
      bird reacted to pieterv1's post in the thread Ongoing Beta Beta Test: Plex with Like Like.
      Hi Ryan, any updates on (the new form of) Plex integration?
    • bird
      bird replied to the thread TV display.
      Alright, then I guess I already use the correct way. Thanks!
    • bird
      bird reacted to cvdlinden's post in the thread TV display with Like Like.
      Sure you can, there are three ways: The computer or machine where wiim-now-playing runs can be reached through http://localhost, if you...
    • bird
      bird replied to the thread TV display.
      Amazing, thanks! What do you mean by loading the client directly via the ip-adress? Can you load it in another way apart vom localhost?
    • bird
      bird reacted to cvdlinden's post in the thread TV display with Like Like.
      Just did a new release which should work with a Plex Media Server. However, I found in some cases the Album Art is still blocked. If so...
    • bird
      bird reacted to cvdlinden's post in the thread TV display with Like Like.
      I think I found the issue with Plex. The Album Art is provided over https://, but the server certificate doesn't get recognized and/or...
    • bird
      bird replied to the thread TV display.
      Okay I open the Album Art URI and I get a high risk and security warning right away. I proceeded and the cover comes up. I then opened...
    • bird
      bird replied to the thread TV display.
      As far as I know you don't have to be a Beta tester to use the feature. I think it's just in the beta stage and accessible to everyone...
    • bird
      bird reacted to cvdlinden's post in the thread TV display with Like Like.
      I keep pressing post reply too soon... Here's something you can do now: Add /debug to the wiim-now-playing url. On the debug page you...
    • bird
      bird replied to the thread TV display.
      Is it possible to integrate the new Plex support or would the Plex API be a problem? Currently the tags and track length are displayed...
      • IMG_1680.jpeg
    • bird
      bird reacted to cvdlinden's post in the thread TV display with Like Like.
      🥳 The new release, with TV mode, is up on Github: Surely there will be things that...
    • bird
      bird replied to the thread TV display.
      Looks great! Really like the idea to put the format and quality under the progress bar.
    • bird
      bird reacted to cvdlinden's post in the thread TV display with Like Like.
      Work in progress... From 7" up to 65". I will still need to do some more testing and code cleanup. Would this work for you @bird ?
    • bird
      bird reacted to cvdlinden's post in the thread TV display with Like Like.
      Getting a bit technical here, but the browser(s) on an Android TV reports itself as having a resolution of 960px by 540px, which is only...
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