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    • 9
      90c4 replied to the thread Beta Test: Plex.
      Yes, but I'm on Android so still waiting for the updated app
    • 9
      90c4 replied to the thread Beta Test: Plex.
      This is what I had assumed they meant when they mentioned they were working on Plex support. Really hope that's the case or it doesn't...
    • 9
      90c4 reacted to pieterv1's post in the thread Beta Test: Plex with Like Like.
      Soooo, the big question: does the WiiM device become visible as an endpoint in the native Plex and Plexamp apps? + a few screenshots...
    • 9
      90c4 reacted to bird's post in the thread Beta Test: Plex with Like Like.
      The meta tags are better integrated. For example you can directly go to the artist when you click on the three dots on the track. You...
    • 9
      90c4 replied to the thread Beta Test: Plex.
      So what does it do that is different from using DLNA? I run a plex server but never use plex itself, other than plexamp on my phone when...
    • 9
      90c4 replied to the thread Beta Test: Plex.
      I guess I'm one of that vanishingly small number who access only local content. But then so are the 4 or 5 friends who bought WiiMs on...
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