Recent content by Laurenthu

  1. L

    Wiim Amp connection to macbook?

    Yes very true, but Airplay is also highly inconvenient for such secnarios, due to the lag in play... It is really uncomfortable if I want to use this amp as my main audio system on this macbook!
  2. L

    Wiim Amp connection to macbook?

    Films played locally on my Mac for example, or Youtube videos. Thanks for the tip, this is what I thought, it just makes things more complicated for my use case.
  3. L

    Wiim Amp connection to macbook?

    Not if I want to use the very good DAC inside the Wiim Amp, no... That would be the goal here!
  4. L

    Wiim Amp connection to macbook?

    Yes it makes sense except if you want to use it as a desktop amp, which honestly would seem perfect - but then no USB connection. I might try via HDMI but it's more complicated then, or using an USB to optical converter (again complicated).
  5. L

    Wiim Amp connection to macbook?

    Hello all! I am looking at the Wiim Amp but something is unclear: what can you connect to the USB port? Can it play the role of a connected DAC if I connect it directly to my macbook? I am looking for the best way to connect it (not via Airplay which is slow) to my macbook or any PC laptop...