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    • Z
      ZoydWheeler replied to the thread High quality radio.
      Yes, got that. And that’s a very useful but very LONG comprehensive list of ALL hi res stations. I’m just after 3/4/5 other personal...
    • Z
      ZoydWheeler replied to the thread High quality radio.
      Awesome! More favourite hi res music stations recommendations please 🙏 Radio Paradise and my usual BBC stations are fine. But I’d like...
    • Z
      ZoydWheeler reacted to Chetee's post in the thread High quality radio with Like Like.
      Some more updated streams to play via Open Network Stream in Hi Res 24/96 for your convinience...
    • Z
      ZoydWheeler replied to the thread High quality radio.
      INCREDIBLE 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you so much. This has opened up a whole new world of hi res internet radio to me. Amazing 🤩
    • Z
      ZoydWheeler replied to the thread High quality radio.
      Other than Radio Paradise what other stations are available via WiiM in high res audio? I just tried to access my usual stations (Radio...
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