wiim amp

  1. R

    Connecting TV Audio to WiiM Amp (Wireless)

    Hello, I am a new owner of a WiiM Amp. I want to connect the amp to my TV but would like to do so without a cable. My Roku TV has an ARC HDMI audio output but no bluetooth or other wireless capabilities (as far as I know). Is there an adapter or other gadget that allows me to wirelessly send...
  2. S

    Glitch in sound after resuming from pause (Squeezelite)

    I've noticed that when resuming from pause that there is an immediate glitch in the sound that gives the impression that the volume is louder for a very short time before returning to normal. I don't have any fade in/fade out turned on. In LMS player settings there is a setting for fade in after...
  3. A

    I wonder what it was

    Today, around 5 o'clock, I was woken up by the dog, and then I was surprised to see that the Wiim amp was flashing LEDs, like an update and even a subwoofer. it turned on, although there was no sound. I looked at it this morning: no updates or anything, especially since it's done through Wiim...
  4. K


    Having enjoyed flawless performance from my WiimAmp for several months, I am getting intermittent dropouts over the last few days. Anyone know what might be causing this?