wiim pro plus

  1. K

    Auto-Sensing Line-in, Optical

    Auto-sensing of line-in and optical sources does not work if any source was "paused" and went into auto-standby, or if the WiiM device was powered off from any source. Once WiiM is in standby, shouldn't any active signal from an input set to auto-sensing cause WiiM to power up and switch to that...
  2. G

    Shouty B & W 706 s2 speakers

    I listen to Amazon music on my iPad connected to my HK3380 stereo receiver and B & W 706 s2 speakers . I find them Shouty . Has anyone used PEQ or equaliser to offset shouty speakers ? What settings you used ?
  3. B

    WiiM pro plus problem with connection to wifi

    Hello, Since yesterday I have a problem with my Wiim pro plus. I can't connect to the wifi network in any way. I have tried all the options I could find on the internet. The other smart home devices work without problems. I even tried using an old access point and could not connect either...
  4. D

    RCA output voltage performance and measurement

    Hello everyone, Have any of you been able to measure or experiment with the performance of the device by lowering the RCA output voltage? My Rega Brio, from 2019, has a fairly sensitive volume adjustment and a very slight balance imbalance at very low levels. By lowering the voltage to 1v or...
  5. B

    Cannot pair with app

    I have a new pro plus. The instructions say to open the app and then press the play button on the wiim for 3 seconds and when the light starts to flash, press connect on the app. Problem is when I press play, all I get is a very fast flashing white light, then green light, then goes back to...
  6. hgo58

    What are the outstanding issues with the WiiM software?

    I think we, in this forum, could benefit from compiling a list of the fixes for the WiiM firmware and app we are waiting for. This shall NOT be a list of feature requests or beta test issues, only regular bugs we have seen and discussed in the forum. The hope is that the @WiiM Team will...
  7. L

    Wiim Pro Plus connect to Nvidia Shield Pro

    Hi Wiim’ers I have my B&O active speakers connected to my Wiim Pro Plus via Coax out. As I would like to also use my speakers for movies played on my Nvidia Shield Pro I am scratching my head on how to do that? I have tried with an spdif out from my tv to the wiim pro plus spdif in without...
  8. D

    Still no sound via line in

    any body else have line out difficulty problems on the pro plus ? It comes and goes but there’s definitely a problem swapped turntable for a cd player and still no sound I’m thinking of sending it back some of the responses hint towards a faulty batch
  9. D


    Hello all! I’m having issues with the line in function on the WiiM pro plus which I use a turntable with a pre amp sometimes there’s sound but others times not I’ve tried rebooting but nothing
  10. Wingos

    Remote Control Pro with access to 12 presets (for WiiM: Amp, Amp Pro, Ultra, Pro, Pro Plus, Mini...)

    With the remote control we have access to 4 presets buttons. A new Remote Control Pro is necessary (or plus, or ultra). The WiiM Home App has 12 and we need to access them all, it would totally change the WiiM experience with enough music diversity without having to use a phone. There are many...
  11. D

    Spotify CarThing as display for WiiM pro/+/mini/Amp

    I'd like WiiM app developers for macOS/windows/linux to connect to GitHub repositories for collaborative development. Spotify carthings are now discontinued and users have benefited even more than before. The new firmware transforms the user interface and expands the scope of the gadget. At the...
  12. R

    Auto-sensing Line-In

    Can someone explain the Auto-Sensing function for Line-In on the Pro+? I may not understand exactly what this is supposed to do. I use music streaming services like Spotify, plus a CD player and a TT as sources. While the streaming services come in to the Pro+ directly via WiFi, the other...
  13. R

    Grouped/synced Wiims plus recevier — volume settings

    I have a WIim Pro+ and two Minis in my system. All sources (CD, tape and TT) go to a simple switch and then into the Pro+, which also serves as a streamer for music services like Spotify and Tidal. I have the Wiim Pro+ hooked up to a receiver, via the Pro+'s Line Out, to the Aux In on the...
  14. P

    Long time to turn on

    Hello, I got the wiim pro plus. It was an open box from best buy When i leave it for a while without playing and return to it after some time, it takes a very very long time for the music to play. Some active speakers are cponnected via the line out plugs. Totday i had to re-set up, it...
  15. S

    I would like Wiim pro plus to become JPLAY Certified

    I would like Wiim pro plus to become JPLAY Certified since I heavily use JPLAY app. Eversolo became recently …
  16. R

    Wiim WiFi and analog receiver – switching

    I while ago I posted the following thread here: https://forum.wiimhome.com/threads/making-powered-speakers-wireless-with-mini.3108/ Some nice folks in this forum helped me getting set up with a system that uses a vintage receiver to power a pair of analog/wired speakers and a wired sub (mains)...
  17. D

    Why not add a monitor output

    Well, could someone, explain, why with all the streamer, nobody ad a monitor output? it is cheaper, than android device, and with year of computer, still have some square monitor i could hook it to it? What i miss the most, is my lp Art Cover, when listening my pro plus! I don't mean a touch...
  18. B

    Line Out cannot resume from idle

    Greetings: I opened a ticket about my issue and the auto reply email advised asking here too: I am new to Wiim, got a Wiim Pro Plus yesterday for the vintage hifi, and I find that it works great/sounds awesome streaming to my old stereo via Line Out. But when I stop playing, and Wiim goes...
  19. Grenadineflaps

    Subwoofer Output on Pro and Pro Plus?

    Hi, does the Wiim Pro, and Pro Plus have a subwoofer output yet? I saw a reply from a Wiim staff member on Amazon that reported Wiim was working on a software update that would allow a dedicated subwoofer output, maybe through the COAX out?? Can anyone confirm or deny this? Or does anyone know...
  20. WILC-O'S

    FLAC-HD from PC to Wiim Pro Plus

    A Rookie question here: I'm having trouble accessing a recently downloaded album of FLAC-HD files stored on my PC to play through Wiim Pro Plus, via the Wiim App on my iPhone. These FLAC-HD files are in a folder within my 'Music' folder on my PC (windows 10), and I have enabled sharing for that...