Would it be possible please to add individual delays for the left/right channels instead of just the channels summed together as is currently the case. The technology can (I assume) already do this as you can set a delay for just the subwoofer rca channel, it just needs adding in software individually for the mains. It's the only thing stopping me from buying an ultra for the lounge, as I need seperate delays for the mains due to a slightly unusually shaped room, meaning the right speaker is further away from the listening position. It only takes 0.42ms for the left delay for the stereo image to be locked in, but after using dirac on a minidsp for several years I am very sensitive to even a slight difference now.
Thank You for your help and for the best and most useful current hifi product on the market. Regards and Happy New Year!
Thank You for your help and for the best and most useful current hifi product on the market. Regards and Happy New Year!