Amazon Music volume normalisation not accepted?


New member
Apr 1, 2023

I use the Amazon Music setting "volume normalisation". Wiim Pro does not seem to accept this setting.

Or does it?


But back to the real issue in this thread... would airplay be a 4th way to play Amazon to the pro?
Yeah, but limited resolution, I’d guess 16/44.1 at best like Chromecast, whereas the WiiM and Amazon Music app using AlexaCast support all the way up to 24/192.
I read somewhere, that AMU and Tidal normalizations, work only if a song exceeds given max LUFS, lowering it and otherwise do nothing if a song is too low.
I tried for a month AMU and got the impression it normalizes nothing when alexa cast is used, in the same way how stream data and playing queue are not displayed but I could be wrong. Instead I'm shure normalization doesn't work with Tidal connect, that not even keeps play history and doesn't start autoplay after last song of a playlist.
Well, i don’t know for sure, but listening to a playlist in AMU
with the normalization set activated, I have no sudden changes in volume.
I can't say the same in Qobuz, where there is no possibility to insert normalization.
When listening to a playlist, the volume changes are noticeable and annoying.
Normalization in Qobuz is one of the most requested functions
Talking about Albums is irrelevant
Yeah, with Qobuz, but Amazon Music doesn’t seem to support more than 16/44.1 when using ChromeCast
Good to know. Never tried Chromecast with AMU because unuseful using Alexa Cast.
I left Chromecast in Qobuz too since I discovered BUPnP because of its limitations. BUPnP is 24/192 and Gapeless