Android app - back function


Dec 7, 2022
Sorry if this is has been asked already (I haven't found it though) but can you pleeeease implement the Android system back function throughout the app- swiping from the side just gives me "exit application please press back key again".

The app has a bit to go before feeling really polished, but that would certainly help..
Upvote 5
Old version app (August,medionx...) was even more friendly and easy for use,you can slide in the menu left and right and was great.
Sorry if this is has been asked already (I haven't found it though) but can you pleeeease implement the Android system back function throughout the app- swiping from the side just gives me "exit application please press back key again".

The app has a bit to go before feeling really polished, but that would certainly help..
I agree.

I previously reported it to support, but it hasn't improved. It is very inconvenient.
Talking of the android app does anyone else have to press the widget 10 times to get it to open?
Another improvement for app will be to remember where you been before you change input or service you listening before,for instance i enter the folders and subfolders on my server to play songs and if i switch to net radio and back to home music share again app will start from begin where my server are and not from last songs that i listening before and i must start all over again to find where i was.
And also it would be fine if app would remember our action. Because usually when I am playing a song and want to get back to album or search results app takes me all the way back to source selection.
Back button is fix with new update for Android and is great,now just to make to remember last visit to server album songs,to not starts from beginning screen when we exit from that window.👍
Yes. I also checked now. Very comfortable.

Thank you to the support team!