Anyone having problems playing from Wiim Amp using Wiim App?


Active member
Aug 3, 2023
Just set up my Wiim Amp, upgraded the firmware, rebooted, and tried playing from my Wiim App.

The App can see the device, which is connected over Ethernet only.

But, when I search for content and try to play a song, the app is unresponsive. i.e., clicking on a song in the search results does nothing.
I can play to my Wiim Pros, but not the Wiim Amp.

Weird thing is that I can Chromecast to the device.

Any ideas?
Being the satisfied owner of a Mini and a Pro, I've toyed with the idea of buying the WiiM amp, but there seems to be a lot of niggles being reported.

I think I'll wait until quality control (hopefully) improves.
I returned mine today. It was unstable. Hope you get it worked out. I'm back to the old amp and my mini. Maybe the next model for me.
What kind of issue you have? I placed an order and waiting it to arrive.