App control of power not working/unavailable


Dec 16, 2022
I have a Wiim Ultra connected to an amp via line out and a12 volt connection. When I hit the power button on the Wiim remote, the Ultra turns on/off (including the screen), and turns on/off the amp via the 12 volt connection. Good, that's what I'd expect.

First power issue:

There's no way I can find in the current Android Wiim app to turn on/off the Ultra. I'm looking for the software equivalent of the power button on the remote. If I'm just missing it, please let me know.

Second power issue:

I run LMS almost exclusively. LMS allows for players to be turned on/off via the web interface/apps, but it is not functioning as I think it should. The LMS server's understanding of the power on/off state is as I'd expect - it toggles on/off appropriately. And the Wiim Ultra It stops playing when you power it off. Fine so far.

But, the Wiim Ultra itself does not power down, turn off the amp, or turn off the display as it does when the remote is used to power off.

I'm super pleased by the LMS support, so I'm hopeful these integration glitches are readily fixed. Thank you.
Does the Standby Mode setting in the device menu do (almost) what you want?
i.e. N mins after no signal it ought to go into standby mode.
Does the Standby Mode setting in the device menu do (almost) what you want?
i.e. N mins after no signal it ought to go into standby mode.
Yes, this appears to work.

Having direct control of standby/off from software seems logical ("First power issue").

The "second power issue" enables a whole suite of behaviors I'm accustomed to with LMS with the so called LMS "sleep" behavior, which is just another way of saying standby/off. You can tell LMS to sleep a player in 2/5/10/15 minutes, at end of song, at end of playlist, etc. I'm used to the crack of the relay reassuring me that, yes, the amp and player are both really off, and LMS should be able to deliberately and directly call for that.

Neither of these requests interfere with existing behavior of the Wiim app, they just enable new interactions.
Streamers have no on/off switch. They are low power devices and should be on 24/7.
Streamers have no on/off switch. They are low power devices and should be on 24/7.
I mean, you're not wrong, I agree. But I'm talking about the modes called "On" and "Off" in the LMS software, not a hardwired power switch.

The problem is there's a grating disconnection between expected LMS behavior and how the Ultra behaves.

An example I have been dealing with recently is grouping. Just like the Wiim software, LMS supports synchronized play groups with shared volume controls. And it mostly works well with the Ultra and LMS. But if I were dealing with Squeezebox/PiCorePlayers, I could look at the screens and judge which mode they were in, "On" or "Off". With the Ultra, I look and I have NO idea what mode it is in, and I frequently start a player in the group playing, but then have to disable other players I thought were "Off" because their screens were blank, but that doesn't mean it is "On" or "Off", that's a completely independent mode/control that only LMS really understands and represents properly in the Ultra.
I mean, you're not wrong, I agree. But I'm talking about the modes called "On" and "Off" in the LMS software, not a hardwired power switch.

The problem is there's a grating disconnection between expected LMS behavior and how the Ultra behaves.

An example I have been dealing with recently is grouping. Just like the Wiim software, LMS supports synchronized play groups with shared volume controls. And it mostly works well with the Ultra and LMS. But if I were dealing with Squeezebox/PiCorePlayers, I could look at the screens and judge which mode they were in, "On" or "Off". With the Ultra, I look and I have NO idea what mode it is in, and I frequently start a player in the group playing, but then have to disable other players I thought were "Off" because their screens were blank, but that doesn't mean it is "On" or "Off", that's a completely independent mode/control that only LMS really understands and represents properly in the Ultra.
Perhaps a better designation would then be linked/unlinked or connected/disconnected from a group participation perspective.
I recall the “second power issue” being discussed in the slimdevices forum recently, where I think the conclusion that the LMS power off action just put the WiiM device into standby. The poster there may have intimated they’d contact WiiM about it to see if the WiiM squeezelite client could behave in a different manner.

See here and related comments

My second power issue has been fixed as of 5.2.627135. The Wiim Ultra now has proper power on/off behavior from LMS's point of view.

Thanks to the Wiim team as usual, this is exactly what I had in mind.

Wiim Ultra Firmware - 5.2.627135.jpgI've raised 4 total LMS issues with Wiim, and they've fixed 2 so far, which is great. I think It's significant that a very simple issue with server IP address sometimes needing to be specified has NOT been fixed. My suspicion is that they are extremely reluctant to add to the App UI, and want LMS to be zero-config. My two fixed issues so far for LMS are zero-config.