Ultra 12 volt trigger issue

Any resolution? I also bought a ET-3 thinking my amp needed more current to trigger but still didn't work. I have now measured the 12V out and I am getting 0.01V directly form the Ultra. It's been 3 weeks and nothing from WiiM support.
No, ask WiiM support to get refund or get another device.
My trigger has not worked on some of the firmware upgrades but worked fine for a while now. Until today. The Ultra was on and the VU meter was dancing to the music but the amp was not on. I rebooted the WiiM and it worked (the trigger was turning on the amp). But when I changed software (from Roon to JRiver) it went dead again (Ultra was on but trigger had the amp off). After I once again rebooted WiiM, the trigger worked again.

Frustrating. This is a recurring problem which sometimes gets fixed. Unfortuately, it's back. I sent support notes in the past.
Brand new Ultra here. The trigger worked fine for about 20mn, then I changed a setting (screen off during standby, went from ON to OFF) and that caused my amp & DAC to turn off. Since then the trigger is dead. Rebooting doesn't help.

Waiting for WiiM to respond to my support ticket now
Mine was working normally after a reboot. Only the day of the new firmware was there a problem.
Until this morning. When I initiated some music, the WiiM Ultra display came on, but the amp didn't. I had to reboot again. Then I noticed there is a new firmware. But, all is well again after the reboot.
I too am having an issue. When I power on the ultra the amp comes on as expected. When I power off the ultra, the amp stays on. The cable is not the issue as I have tried several. If I unplug the trigger cable from the ultra, the amp switches off. The amp also has signal sensing that will see the signal from the ultra and switch on. After 12mins of no signal the amp will switch off, however the amp will randomly switch on with no input from me. Really annoying. I hope someone can help. I have raised a ticket with wiim.
I too am having an issue. When I power on the ultra the amp comes on as expected. When I power off the ultra, the amp stays on. The cable is not the issue as I have tried several. If I unplug the trigger cable from the ultra, the amp switches off. The amp also has signal sensing that will see the signal from the ultra and switch on. After 12mins of no signal the amp will switch off, however the amp will randomly switch on with no input from me. Really annoying. I hope someone can help. I have raised a ticket with wiim.
I would not rule out an issue with the amplifier. One simple test would be to measure the Ultra's trigger output with a multimeter & see if the 12v goes up/down immediately with power on/off.

Just want to add that I received my WiiM Ultra last weekend and the trigger out seems to work perfectly with a Rotel RB-06 power amplifier.
I too am having an issue. When I power on the ultra the amp comes on as expected. When I power off the ultra, the amp stays on. The cable is not the issue as I have tried several. If I unplug the trigger cable from the ultra, the amp switches off. The amp also has signal sensing that will see the signal from the ultra and switch on. After 12mins of no signal the amp will switch off, however the amp will randomly switch on with no input from me. Really annoying. I hope someone can help. I have raised a ticket with wiim.
I rebooted everything….WiiM & Computer and it fixed it.
Hi the trigger of my Ultra seems not to work. I measure 0,88v as the wiim is working and 0,14v as it’s off. I have unplugged it several minutes, tested different inputs and outputs with the same result. Ticket opened….
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Can report the same issue on a just out of his box Wiim Ultra, which is a replacement for one that had the same issue...
I heard my relay click when initializing it on an old firmware, after firmware update, no clicks anymore...
This is very clearly a software issue.