Basic questions from a newbie


New member
Jun 25, 2024
Hi guys. I am fairly new to streaming, and this is my first post so I beg your indulgence with my elementary questions. I just bought a Holo Audio cyan 2 Dac in order to use my wiim pro plus as a streamer only. I hooked the cyan to my wiim pro plus using the coax output. On the wiim I placed the output resolution at max output at 24 bit, 192khz. When I play tracks from Qobuz at lower resolution (16 bits, 44khz) the cyan still shows 192k. I was under the impression that the cyan would interpret the output based on the source material. I contacted Holo audio and was told “The cyan2 does not change any sample rates. Whatever your source is is what is feeding it that sample rate. If it shows 192khz then your source is sending 192khz. Likely it’s doing some sort of upsampling in your wiim pro plus.”

I would prefer a “bit perfect" stream with no over sampling, so I went to the manual and it said to change the controls to fixed volume output, and turn off EQ. I did both and there was no change. I realized the cyan is changing the display based on what I input on the wiim app. When I change the coax output resolution to 192, the cyan displays 192. Changing it to 44 displays 44. A track on Qobuz however will show 16, 44 despite the display showing 192.

Are my concerns unfounded? Am I just reading in a problem that isn’t there? Your help is greatly appreciated!
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As per an earlier post, have you inadvertently left fixed resolution turned on on the coax resolution page?

Edit: just re read your post - it’s fixed volume you’re meant to turn on if you want bit perfect output, not fixed resolution.
As per an earlier post, have you inadvertently left fixed resolution turned on on the coax resolution page?

Edit: just re read your post - it’s fixed volume you’re meant to turn on if you want bit perfect output, not fixed resolution.
Hi Brantome. I edited my post to reflect the fact that I changed it to "Fixed volume output" and there has been no change.
Hi Brantome. I edited my post to reflect the fact that I changed it to "Fixed volume output" and there has been no change.
Ok, so what about the fixed resolution switch on the device settings/ audio settings/ coax output resolution page, is that turned on?
Ok, so what about the fixed resolution switch on the device settings/ audio settings/ coax output resolution page, is that turned on?
Ha! Didn’t see that, had to scroll to the bottom. I will turn that off and see what happens. Thanx.

Ha! Didn’t see that, had to scroll to the bottom. I will turn that off and see what happens. Thanx.
This is the switch that will work for you.

But you still need fixed volume enabled for "bit perfect" output. Any form of volume control would brake bit perfect pretty much by definition.