Bluetooth & analog output.

Thnx for soon reply. Are there any other ways to connect my bluetooth speaker at the same time as major system?
I guess by using a second WiiM device but that device would need to be the first device in a multi room group as there seems to be an issue with Bluetooth connections on subsidiary devices. Ideally, if you can, I’d use even a WiiM Mini as the second device and cable that to the Bluetooth speaker if it has an aux input.
or you can split the analog output with a 3.5 mm /RCA splitter depending which Wiim you have and feed one of the outputs to a Bluetooth transmitter.
Another situation.
When tidal plays through the linear output and I switch to bluetooth, playback is not interrupted, but when the reverse switching occurs (from bluetooth to linear output), playback stops and you need to re-enter tidal through the application and activate playback. Can this be fixed somehow?