Complete audionoob, can't make my ceiling speakers work


New member
Aug 30, 2024
Moved into a place with 2 ceiling speakers. Previous owners said just connect amp and they should play.

The wire has total of 4 cables, black, red, white and green. I connected them in the pics shown below.

App works fine, showing music is streaming but no sound coming out. Of course have checked volume etc..

Can anyone help? I am sure I am making a mistake but can't figure it out.


1 - Disconnect wires from amp.
2 - Use a 1.5V battery to connect two pairs of wires at a time to identify which pair connects to each speaker. Just connect the battery momentarily and disconnect, listening to a soft scratching pop.
3 - Once you know which pair of wires connects to each speaker, connect those accordingly to the amp. To correct relative phase play a mono signal. Listening on-center you should hear a solid centered image. If so, the speakers are wired in-phase, if the center sound is a null or undefined, invert the connection on one of the speakers.

This should do it. For absolute phase it’s more complicated but few people hear it.
1 - Disconnect wires from amp.
2 - Use a 1.5V battery to connect two pairs of wires at a time to identify which pair connects to each speaker. Just connect the battery momentarily and disconnect, listening to a soft scratching pop.
3 - Once you know which pair of wires connects to each speaker, connect those accordingly to the amp. To correct relative phase play a mono signal. Listening on-center you should hear a solid centered image. If so, the speakers are wired in-phase, if the center sound is a null or undefined, invert the connection on one of the speakers.

This should do it. For absolute phase it’s more complicated but few people hear it.

Thanks for your reply.

I used AA battery and touched all 4 wires in various combinations to the battery and hear nothing. Is the voltage too low?
Thanks for your reply.

I used AA battery and touched all 4 wires in various combinations to the battery and hear nothing. Is the voltage too low?
No, 1.5 V is plenty enough to let any speaker make some noise. If they all remain silent then these wires are not properly connected to the speakers.
It's normally, I think,
Right: red +ve, black -ve
Left: white +ve, green -ve

Best to get up in the ceiling to check! (Or try to pop them out of the ceiling.)
Thanks for your reply.

I used AA battery and touched all 4 wires in various combinations to the battery and hear nothing. Is the voltage too low?
If the battery is charged… next I would do would be using a multimeter and measuring resistance. Searching for a pair of wires in the 8 Ohm region.