Connecting to Edifier MS50A (active speakers)


New member
Dec 21, 2024
First, I like music but I am not an audiophile, I am trying to get a small music component system working in my livingroom and I need to be able to connect together a turntable (Denon DP-300F), CD player (Yamaha CD-S303), and a streaming music service all of which would play on my Edifier MS50A (Bluetooth enable active speakers). I don't have any passive speakers. FYI - I have a good (strong signal) wireless WAN, but I am a little “old school” and I don’t use (or want) voice enabled services like Alexa or Siri.

I purchased a WiiM Ultra Pro and a WiiM Amp in the belief that I could connect the CD player and turntable to them and then stream out to my Bluetooth speakers - but it doesn't seem to work and I suspect it will never work unless I purchase passive speakers.

Now I am looking at the WiiM Pro Plus because marketing says it can do nearly everything (I thought I could connect my turntable and CD player to the WiiM Amp and then connect the Amplifier to the input ports of the Pro Plus box). But after looking at the Pro Plus manual I have my doubts. The setup instructions indicates that you need to physically connect the speakers to the output port.

Also, any thoughts about my WiiM Ultra Pro, is it just garbage now or can I connect it too and tie all components together into a (reasonable) system that will play my tunes?

I feel new to this technology so a bunch of undefined acronyms will not do me much good.
Any suggestions or helpful advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for any (helpful) suggestions or advice.
The Edifier MS50A has no inputs other than Bluetooth or wifi. If I understand what you're trying to do, what you need here is a Bluetooth audio transmitter: something that will take the output from your CD player or turntable and send it to the speakers. As far as I know, none of the WiiM products can do that: they are all designed as receivers to be connected directly to the speakers.
Correction: Bluetooth Out is an option under Audio Out.

A quick web search on "bluetooth audio transmitter" shows there are a lot of products out there, but I'm not knowledgable enough to make recommendations. You either need something that takes multiple inputs or a mixer to feed into a single input. For a good, small mixer I can recommend the Rolls Minimix 2.
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By WiiM Ultra Pro I assume you mean an Ultra.
Wiims can transmit bluetooth.
If you can't get bluetooth output from a wiim ultra or an amp to work with your speakers then I doubt a pro plus will work either.
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Thanks for the thoughts - I was afraid that might be the case. I will look into the audio transmitter or perhaps changing to passive speakers.
And now that I look in the Wiim Home App there it is under Audio Output, Bluetooth Out 🤦

There's a suggestion in another thread to change the output resolution. Maybe start at 16/44.1 and work upward. Or perhaps the Wiim and the speakers aren't paired properly.
Bluetooth output doesn’t have a selectable resolution - the Bluetooth SBC/AAC codec is used.