Device Not Found!


Active member
Jan 19, 2023
United States
I'm curios if anyone else experiences "Device Not Found' occasionally? Happen to me just yesterday. I had listen to music all day the night before and into the evening. Stopped the music, closed the WiiM app, shut down the Ipad. Got up the yesterday, turned on the Ipad, waited for the wifi symbol to appear, turned on the DAC...coax imput flashing which is an indication there's going to be an issue, fired up the WiiM app..."device not found." Followed the on screen instructions which did not work. I was forced to do a factory reset. It took several attempts before "found a new device near by" appeared. After I got to the "lets get started" screen I noticed during setup defaulted to wifi instead of ether net....having gone through this before, I halted the setup process, unplugged the power to the unit, waited about 10 seconds, restored the power and all went well, including using ether net. I've had this happen a few times after I initially set the WiiM up after purchase. The occurrences became fewer and fewer with each app or firmware update. It's not a big issue but you do lose your presets and logins to music services. Am I doing something wrong or is to be expected from time to time? Just curios!!!
No, never. My devices are "not found" only when they are powered off. And I have a network with 3 VLANs and around 50 IPs assigned and online all the time.
My device not found is usually solved with a reboot of my android device. Last week because of major glitches I did have to reset my Mini. The setup is easy, but it does take away that relaxing I want to listen to music mood. The combination of music apps, operating systems, wifi configurations, and whatever else seems like a mountain to climb for the WiiM team so I try to be patient. There are times when it is aggrevating.
My device not found is usually solved with a reboot of my android device. Last week because of major glitches I did have to reset my Mini. The setup is easy, but it does take away that relaxing I want to listen to music mood. The combination of music apps, operating systems, wifi configurations, and whatever else seems like a mountain to climb for the WiiM team so I try to be patient. There are times when it is aggrevating.
Thanks! Next time I'll try restarting my Ipad.
So, I figured out what's actually going on with my "device not found" issue. Same thing happen today as I described in my original post. But I happen to look at the led...the WiiM was in standby. The app wanted me to run setup but I again unplugged the unit, waited about 15 seconds, restored the the led is bright white. Started the problems. Didn't have to run setup, nor, did I lose my settings or presets. It would appear the WiiM sometimes has difficulty coming out of standby.
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