Does wiim reclocking in DDC mode?


Aug 16, 2024
One of many, many advantages of wiim comparing to for example eversolo is DDC (Digital - Digital converter / pass) function. Wiim can work with external (much better) dac, and the same time it can use cd transport or other digital input as a source (eversolo can not). In case of transports, quality of sound is depended from transport clock. In cheap transport $20-type, may be lower. So question is, does wiim improve clock signal, by performing reclocking when using for example optical in and optical or coaxial out? Or source clock signal is still a factor?

I'm assuming that wiiim should fully eliminate any cheap source clock problems in case of usb out. So with wiim $20 transport sound quality should be the same as $2000 transport - as is in case of other, dedicated, typical ddc's. But is there improvement in case of spdif out?
One of many, many advantages of wiim comparing to for example eversolo is DDC (Digital - Digital converter / pass) function. Wiim can work with external (much better) dac, and the same time it can use cd transport or other digital input as a source (eversolo can not). In case of transports, quality of sound is depended from transport clock. In cheap transport $20-type, may be lower. So question is, does wiim improve clock signal, by performing reclocking when using for example optical in and optical or coaxial out? Or source clock signal is still a factor?

I'm assuming that wiiim should fully eliminate any cheap source clock problems in case of usb out. So with wiim $20 transport sound quality should be the same as $2000 transport - as is in case of other, dedicated, typical ddc's. But is there improvement in case of spdif out?
With my external dac , the electrical spdif output from the Ultra is the best sounding option, meaning the Ultra:s clock is used ( my dac and all other dacs nowadays recklocks the incoming signal , but thats another story ) .

The asynkron usb output from the Ultra sounds also fine and can be used If one worry about interface jitter between Ultra and the external dac, even if all modern wellmade dacs from 2000 and forward takes care of any incoming jitter . This is a non issue nowadays in most dacs and the ”jitter” boogie man mantra is used by youtubers like Hans Beekhuyzen to frighten the customers to buy more expensive streamers.

I have a dedicated DDC with two ”precision clocks ” that I can connect to my Mac M1. Using TIDAL , this unit still sounds slightly worse than the Ultra used as a DDC and TIDAL connect.

If you use a digital input source like a cd player, or hdmi arc and you use the digital volume regulation inside of the WiiM, the 16 bit CD digital signal will be transformed, according to WiiM, to 32 bit internal processing and the result from WiiM PRO, PRO+ and Ultra on spdif or usb out will be a true 24 bit resolution digital volumecontrol ( verified with measurements by vintageflanker ) that also follows the input sampling frequency .

Edit: you should select all resolution in the Ultra to allow up to 96 KHz or 192 KHz for the digital inputs ( dont use 44.1 or 48 KHz ) in the WiiM app.

Vintageflankers measurements of the digital input of WiiM PRO:

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it was a vintageflankers methodology you observe the very efficiency of the steadyclock input processing of the rme... not what is """provided by this wiim pro"""...
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Thanks for input :)

Regarding signal transformation in wiim in case of digital source - it's understandable why wiim is displaying 24 bit in case of cd input when volume control is active, but why wiim is still displaying 24bit when volume control is disabled?

And if jitter is not an issue, what is responsible for difference in sound in case of transports?
Thanks for input :)

Regarding signal transformation in wiim in case of digital source - it's understandable why wiim is displaying 24 bit in case of cd input when volume control is active, but why wiim is still displaying 24bit when volume control is disabled?

And if jitter is not an issue, what is responsible for difference in sound in case of transports?
Often sample rate conversion ( i.e. Resampling of everything from 44,1 to 48 KHz ) If done badly.
Thanks for input :)

Regarding signal transformation in wiim in case of digital source - it's understandable why wiim is displaying 24 bit in case of cd input when volume control is active, but why wiim is still displaying 24bit when volume control is disabled?

And if jitter is not an issue, what is responsible for difference in sound in case of transports?
Wiim offers as a setting "Fixed Frequency" Output on the Digital Outputs. If that is not desired, turn it Off.
Wiim offers as a setting "Fixed Frequency" Output on the Digital Outputs. If that is not desired, turn it Off.
Yes, and the sound gets slightly worse using this fixed option, a bit thinner and harder at least with my ears.
Because there is still information on display and in the app that source is 24bit, which doesn't make sense in case of cd transports. I have two, both are recognized as 24 bit. Why?