Exclusive modes - Optimizing resources - Data jitter


Major Contributor
Mar 14, 2023
It is just an idea for software optimization.
I don’t know if it is already implemented automatically but could it be possible to have exclusive modes for tidal connect playback for instance so every other non needed resources in the device are deactivated in order to reduce “data jitter” and potentially improve playback quality ?
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No. Not every “ decent “ dac and not without cost . But I won’t elaborate .
Did not read any word about "no cost" in @ratty 's post. Did I miss something? "Decent" in my understanding f.e. is a well documented DAC from a serious manufacturer. Not a chinois 150 € toy.
Did not read any word about "no cost" in @ratty 's post. Did I miss something? "Decent" in my understanding f.e. is a well documented DAC from a serious manufacturer. Not a chinois 150 € toy.
I am saying that there is a cost .I did not say that Ratty said that . I am tired of the sentiment to downplay its importance as if all of us have rme adi 2 fs where even then plays a role .

Most DACs employ techniques to mitigate jitter from the source, such as using a separate clock circuit, a buffer memory, a digital filter, or a reclocking device. These techniques aim to reduce the dependence of the DAC on the incoming clock signal and to generate a more stable and accurate clock signal internally. However, these techniques may have other costs on sound quality, such as introducing phase noise, aliasing, distortion, or latency. These effects may depend on the design and implementation of the jitter suppression technique and the quality of the components used. Therefore, it would be beneficial to have a low jitter source even if the DAC employs advanced jitter rejection techniques, as this would reduce the amount of jitter that needs to be suppressed and minimize the potential negative impacts on sound quality.
Agreed for many of this technical things. I do not always agree in the importance or audibility of SNR, Jitter and so on. But their must be jobs for all this bling bling RMEs and the OAs. I see it as another part of the hobby. Overrated by some, but of course legitimate.
But do you think people who are interested in these things would not have enough possibilities, or even the duty if they like their ears or wallet, to get all the informations they need? A budget DAC like f.e. a Cambridge Dacmagic M200 is highly unchallenged with making this issues obsolete.
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Agreed for many of this technical things. I do not always agree in the importance or audibility of SNR, Jitter and so on. But their must be jobs for all this bling bling RMEs and the OAs. I see it as another part of the hobby. Overrated by some, but of course legitimate.
But do you think people who are interested in these things would not have enough possibilities, or even the duty if they like their ears or wallet, to get all the informations they need? A budget DAC like f.e. a Cambridge Dacmagic M200 is highly unchallenged with such job.
My opinion is that your Cambridge 200M will have better performance when fed with less jitter even if it handles it well .
Absolutely right. One of the reasons I never use f.e. a PC as source. But to stay with the WiiM Pro, the Cambridge, reasonable power supplies and Roon (with the core NOT on a PC) I do not see any reason this could fail.
I only stumbled over the "not without cost" in your post. Everything on this world has costs of course.
The remarkable echo of so much nonsense "reviews" on some websites are another issue. But to quote the start of a line from you "I am tired of the sentiment to" I would end it with "overrating the importance...." 😉
Peace and a wonderful Sunday evening from stormy Germany.
Absolutely right. One of the reasons I never use f.e. a PC as source. But to stay with the WiiM Pro, the Cambridge, reasonable power supplies and Roon (with the core NOT on a PC) I do not see any reason this could fail.
I only stumbled over the "not without cost" in your post. Everything on this world has costs of course.
The remarkable echo of so much nonsense "reviews" on some websites are another issue. But to quote the start of a line from you "I am tired of the sentiment to" I would end it with "overrating the importance...." 😉
Peace and a wonderful Sunday evening from stormy Germany.
Have a good evening also!