Headphone Jack fixed volume issue


Aug 3, 2024
Hey all,

Not sure if this has been asked or if I can’t figure it out in the settings. I have a WiiM Ultra running into a Yamaha AS501 integrated amp. I use the fixed volume setting on the WiiM and use the volume control on my amp to control volume to my passive speakers. I tried the headphone jack today and had to turn off the fixed volume through settings to control the volume in the headphones. Is there any way that once I plug in headphones the Ultra recognizes and turns off the fixed volume?
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Not sure if this has been asked or if I can’t figure it out in the settings. I have a WiiM Ultra running into a Yamaha AS501 integrated amp. I use the fixed volume setting on the WiiM and use the volume control on my amp to control volume to my passive speakers. I tried the headphone jack today and had to turn off the fixed volume through settings to control the volume in the headphones. Is there any way that once I plug in headphones the Ultra recognizes and turns off the fixed volume?
Why have you copied and pasted the opening post?
Is there any difference in sound quality if one uses volume at 100% (non-fixed) vs. Fixed volume output?
Is there any difference in sound quality if one uses volume at 100% (non-fixed) vs. Fixed volume output?
This has been asked a few times over the last year or (almost) two, and iirc, 100% non-fixed still allowed mqa to work => bit perfect => no difference.
Of course, I could be wrong, but I suspect even it it wasn't still bit perfect one probably wouldn't be able to tell.
Well then the OP can just leave fixed output switched off and manually use the volume control to switch between acceptable loudness for headphones and the 100% for his Amp.
Well then the OP can just leave fixed output switched off and manually use the volume control to switch between acceptable loudness for headphones and the 100% for his Amp.
I have other family members that may not realize and crank both dials to 100….not something I want my speakers to suffer lol
I have other family members that may not realize and crank both dials to 100….not something I want my speakers to suffer lol
That's nothing that could be avoided by fixed volume being disabled automatically, is it?

You could set a volume limit on the WiiM Ultra ... or educate the family. Chose the right punishment. ;)
Took a delivery of an Ultra today and after setup was surprised the headphone out does not have an independent volume control. I am sure this will be rectified soon, hopefully. Have the Ultra connected via fixed output to a pair of KEF LSXII powered speakers as there will be times I will only be using the KEF LSXII independently. In the meantime will use the remote voice control to set the volume to about 20% before using the headphones if I remember?. Just play your source to the headphones before you put them on to remind you. Very impressed with the Ultra so far(y).
Just came to make a thread, this is still an "issue" as far as I can tell. Almost blew my ears off... geez
Womdering whether point 4 in this post is relevant. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Hope it's not just some sort of gain.

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