Hi Fi active speakers without DAC / streamer


Jan 17, 2025
This is my first post so I'm taking the opportunity to say hello to everyone from Argentina. I bought the Wiim Ultra to put it on my desk at home. Now I'm looking for active, small speakers to put on the desk as well. I've read several forums but I still don't know what to do. Sorry for that.
I find active speakers that have practically the same functions as the Ultra, so I would be duplicating and interfering with the Ultra's signal. Could you recommend a pair of active speakers with Bluetooth aptx-hd connectivity, USB, resolution up to 32 bits, that don't have a streamer and DAC. Or maybe some simple active hi-fi speakers with RCA connection only?
I'm very exigent with the sound quality.
Tks in advance.
whats your budget ?
I know they are intended for your desktop but any constraints on size and looks ?
This is my first post so I'm taking the opportunity to say hello to everyone from Argentina. I bought the Wiim Ultra to put it on my desk at home. Now I'm looking for active, small speakers to put on the desk as well. I've read several forums but I still don't know what to do. Sorry for that.
I find active speakers that have practically the same functions as the Ultra, so I would be duplicating and interfering with the Ultra's signal. Could you recommend a pair of active speakers with Bluetooth aptx-hd connectivity, USB, resolution up to 32 bits, that don't have a streamer and DAC. Or maybe some simple active hi-fi speakers with RCA connection only?
I'm very exigent with the sound quality.
Tks in advance.
If you want USB and BT in the speakers they will for sure have their own DAC. Only speakers with only RCA input is without DAC.

What about the "Acoustic Energy AE1 Active" speakers? I don't have them myself but they get good reviews.
... resolution up to 32 bits ...
The maximum output resolution of the WiiM Ultra is 24 bit 192.kHz.

And as @hgo58 already mentioned, there must be a DAC in the speaker if it accepts any digital input.

As others have mentioned, it's all about budget and how much space you want to dedicate to the entire setup.
whats your budget ?
I know they are intended for your desktop but any constraints on size and looks ?
Hi, no more than 600 USD. My desktop is small and the size of the room is small (my place for homeworking). The size of Audioengine HD3 or Elac Debut Connex is ok, but they have streamer, DAC and I think is not convenient because I want to fully use the DAC and streamer of the Ultra. If there was a way to connect Ultra with speakers without any interference I would have no problem buying the Audioengine, for example.
If you have a Wiim Ultra, you could make do with any Genelec active speaker, they are really good especially for "near field" usage (as in on a desk).
They have a very flat response frequency and you can add a Sub if you find the bass lacking.

You would need to connect them via a cable to the Wiim though, if this was a reason for you requesting BlueTooth on the speakers then this would not work without wire, you can connect to the Wiim via Bluetooth though (with your phone of ipad etc.)
At only £4000 each you can get 5 or 6 of those cheap ones 🤔
But that's for just one meter. The 6 m version will set you back 11465 GBP.

And don't forget that the application of the "DeoxIT Gold G-Series" contact enhancer adds anothe 3 GBP! :mad: That's clearly fraud, isn't it?

Looks like the elaborate burn-in process is for free, surprisingly. Take two of these nice cables and we're almost there.

I'd just not buy them from futureshop but AliExpress. :P
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If I was to buy a speaker system that could play Bach Cantatas and Kraftwerk (and Mahler ) and had the budget I'd seriously would consider the Sigberg Audio Manta. There is a smaller system too, the SBS.1 with a pair of slightly less loud subs @ NOK 152 k.
If I was to buy a speaker system that could play Bach Cantatas and Kraftwerk (and Mahler ) and had the budget I'd seriously would consider the Sigberg Audio Manta. There is a smaller system too, the SBS.1 with a pair of slightly less loud subs @ NOK 152 k.
Well ... yes ... certainly, but how do they fit this ...
Now I'm looking for active, small speakers to put on the desk as well.
... requirement, next to a WiiM Ultra? ;)

If price was no object I might home demo them against a Kii setup. :ROFLMAO: