How do I set up a single-source multi-room arrangement?


New member
Sep 1, 2023
Cincinnati, OH USA
This is a newbie question, but it's about a basic issue a quick search does not find discussed, at least not in the checklist fashion I'd probably find most useful.

I have two pro units, one wired (line in/out) to each of two stereo systems.

How can I send a single stream of music (usually from qobuz, in my case) to both systems simultaneously?
Wiim home app, devices screen, press the paperclip like icon on the top right of the one you're playing music to.
Choose the other one to create a group.
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Well, no one likes an answer they don't really want to hear. It's all good, I'm resilient ;)
Plus everyone is free to report a post that they feel is out of line, but by and large we’re well behaved as well as resilient in the group ;)