How is Room correction and EQ processing performed in Wiim ultra?


Senior Member
Jul 7, 2023
More specifically, is there any up/downsampling done before changing the signal? Is it done in software (most likely)? How does the processing chain look?

I am curious and would love some info, I know the Eversolo A8 down/up-samples everything to 48KHz when using DSP/EQ so wondering how Wiim Ultra does it!
More specifically, is there any up/downsampling done before changing the signal? Is it done in software (most likely)? How does the processing chain look?

I am curious and would love some info, I know the Eversolo A8 down/up-samples everything to 48KHz when using DSP/EQ so wondering how Wiim Ultra does it!
I have ultra connected to external dac and when I run rc it shows 48khz just like on eversolo you mention.
I have ultra connected to external dac and when I run rc it shows 48khz just like on eversolo you mention.
Hm interesting, unfortunately my active speakers with internal DAC do not show what I output so I can not verify this.
So if you are playing a (for example) 24bit 96KHz track from Tidal the digital output converts it to 24bit 48Khz to your external DAC?

Wonder if it does the same when you activate ”Sub Out” and set a Crossover?
I have ultra connected to external dac and when I run rc it shows 48khz just like on eversolo you mention.
Isn’t that just the resolution of the sweep tone? I think it’s being suggested that the Eversolo resamples all audio streams when EQ/esp is in use, not just during setup.
Isn’t that just the resolution of the sweep tone? I think it’s being suggested that the Eversolo resamples all audio streams when EQ/esp is in use, not just during setup.
Exactly Eversolo always resamples during all playback/Inputs when DSP/EQ is on, I am curious of how WiimUltra handles it.
Exactly Eversolo always resamples during all playback/Inputs when DSP/EQ is on, I am curious of how WiimUltra handles it.
Having room correction/EQ etc enabled in WiiM devices from the Mini to the Ultra doesn’t alter the playback bit depth nor sample rate.
Having room correction/EQ etc enabled in WiiM devices from the Mini to the Ultra doesn’t alter the playback bit depth nor sample rate.
If so, thats an amazing little device, as even the ”Mini DSP SHD Studio” resamples everything to 96KHz internally and cant process higher frequencies with it’s hardware (SHARC) DSP chip.
I am curious and would love some info, I know the Eversolo A8 down/up-samples everything to 48KHz when using DSP/EQ so wondering how Wiim Ultra does it!
If thats true that the Eversolo A8 resample everything to 48 kHz when using PEQ , then its a useless streamer .

The Ultra will sound better when using PEQ .

Is it the same with the A6 ?
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Exactly Eversolo always resamples during all playback/Inputs when DSP/EQ is on, I am curious of how WiimUltra handles it.
It always follows the source material - if it is 44.1 KHz the digital spdif out will be that, if its 96 kHz it will be 96 kHz . Even when using PEQ and digital volumecontrol. This is the sound quality reason to buy a WiiM . A big reason in my opinion.

I have had a Yamaha wxc50 that resamples everything to 48 KHz , result is less good soundquality.

Never again.

I have not found any streamer that can manage resampling without sounding slightly thinner, brighter and slightly harder.
Even the WiiM ultra has the ability to set a fixed sampling frequency for everything - but its the same issue here with worse sound quality.

A streamer that dont do resampling will always sound meatier, more analog and less hard and more natural without any listening fatigue.

If the bluesound:s do resampling when using PEQ or digital volume control then they are worthless.
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From the WiiM Team:

"There is a volume table ranging from 0 to 100 that applies to both digital and analog audio output. Our DAC supports 32-bit input, which we utilize to maintain bit depth. Additionally, intermediate processing is designed to preserve sample value accuracy throughout."

My SMSL C200 headphone DAC display suggests no upsampling when using RC. Amir at Audio Science Review also concluded that RC did not affect SINAD (can't remenber which unit he tested). I too would like to understand the chain - but it seems like it's almost a straight wire with gain (well, frequency changes in this case). It has allowed me to get the best from my Arcam SR250. Amen!
PEQ filter does not need much computing power. It's called IIR filter (infinite impulse response). Filter parameters are so simple to adopt for input sampling frequency. I like how WiiM implements IIR filter by preserving input sampling frequency. I also confirm RC sweep is at 48kHz according to display on an external DAC.
If thats true that the Eversolo A8 resample everything to 48 kHz when using PEQ , then its a useless streamer .

The Ultra will sound better when using PEQ .

Is it the same with the A6 ?
This post explains it:
Seems that the A6 might not resample, but there is no documentation that supports that.

Am I the only one thinking that a device like the Eversolo A8 with it’s price tag, doing resampling to 48KHz when using EQ is really poor design!
It always follows the source material - if it is 44.1 KHz the digital spdif out will be that, if its 96 kHz it will be 96 kHz . Even when using PEQ and digital volumecontrol. This is the sound quality reason to buy a WiiM . A big reason in my opinion.

I have had a Yamaha wxc50 that resamples everything to 48 KHz , result is less good soundquality.

Never again.

I have not found any streamer that can manage resampling without sounding slightly thinner, brighter and slightly harder.
Even the WiiM ultra has the ability to set a fixed sampling frequency for everything - but its the same issue here with worse sound quality.

A streamer that dont do resampling will always sound meatier, more analog and less hard and more natural without any listening fatigue.

If the bluesound:s do resampling when using PEQ or digital volume control then they are worthless.
Different mileages…
My four way main speakers’ crossover is a MiniDSP Flex Eight these days, so some form of re/upsampling is required. IIR and FIR at 44,1 normally doesn’t sound very good, and doing the 3-way dipoles crossovers in the analog domain is just not on.
I’ve decided to let the Ultra do the resampling to 96 kHz.
Different mileages…
My four way main speakers’ crossover is a MiniDSP Flex Eight these days, so some form of re/upsampling is required. IIR and FIR at 44,1 normally doesn’t sound very good, and doing the 3-way dipoles crossovers in the analog domain is just not on.
I’ve decided to let the Ultra do the resampling to 96 kHz.
I had a "MiniDSP SHD Studio" for a week, a very nice unit but it certainly made the dynamic range suffer when using it's DSP functions, at least to my ears, I wish it didn't because I really liked that unit.

I really wish there would be a device with specs high enough to not case any detrimental effects at all, something like a DSP that worked with 72bits 576KHz internally. Maybe there is a software solution for PC's that could do it?