Inconsistent Album Art Between Different Devices And Views!.

Aug 19, 2023
OSX Albums.png
This is the Album option view using the app on a MacBook

iPhone Albums.PNG
This is the Album option view using the IOS on an iPhone

iPhone Folder.PNG
This is the Folder option view using an iPhone

As you can see the Album art displayed is different between OSX and IOS and Album view/Folder view in IOS. Can anybody give an explanation as to why this is happening. To be clear I use 5 different folders depending on where I purchased the albums, whether this is the cause I would not know?.
It looks like the same image file to me but rendered differently by different pieces of software which is quite normal. What makes you think they are different files?
It looks like the same image file to me but rendered differently by different pieces of software which is quite normal. What makes you think they are different files?
I looked at it very closey for a while too, until I realised they meant the artwork for the tracks.

Have you tried clearing the app cache?
It looks like the same image file to me but rendered differently by different pieces of software which is quite normal. What makes you think they are different files?
I looked at it very closey for a while too, until I realised they meant the artwork for the tracks.

Have you tried clearing the app cache?
Ah I see now. Yes I agree cache issue
There isn’t that function on iOS - you need to delete and re-install the app
I assume that will also delete any presets/bookmarks/playlists etc?

So is it down to each app to implement their own cleanup routines, and does the WHA have one?
There isn’t that function on iOS - you need to delete and re-install the app
That does seem to have done the trick(y). Still one or two anomalies but nothing insurmountable, also seem to have a dodgy hard drive, every time I select usb I am informed a new external drive is detected. to be honest it has started auto ejecting from my MacBook which Clearly is not a good sign. Time for a new external hard drive me thinks:mad:.